IV Then the Knight rode on his way, with Little John behind him. As he went, he thought of Robin Hood and his men,
and blessed them for the goodness they had shown him. Tomorrow, he said to Little John, I must be in the city of York,
for if I am so much as a day late, my lands are lost forever; and though I were to bring the money, I should not be allowed to claim them.
Now the man who had lent the money, as well as the Knight, had been counting the days. The next day he said to his friends,
This day a year ago there came a knight who borrowed of me four hundred pounds, giving his lands as surety.
If he come not to pay his debt before midnight, the lands will be mine forever. It is early yet, said one; he may still be coming.
He is far beyond the sea and suffers from hunger and cold, said the rich man. How is he to get here? He is dead or hanged,
said another, and you will have his lands. So they went to the High Judge

whose duty it would be to declare the loss of the Knight's lands if he did not pay the money.
If he come not this day, cried the rich man, rubbing his hands, the lands will be mine.
He will not come, said the Judge, but he knew not that the Knight was already at the outer gate, and Little John with him.
Welcome, Sir Knight, said the porter. The horse that you ride is the noblest that ever I saw.
Let me lead it and the steed of your companion to the stable, that they may have food and rest.
They shall not pass these gates, answered the Knight sternly, and he entered the hall alone.
I have come back, my lord, he said, kneeling down before the rich man, who had just returned from court.
Have you brought my money? I have come to pray you to give me more time, said the Knight.
The day was fixed and cannot be changed, answered the Judge, who was eating with others in the hall.
The Knight begged the Judge to be his friend and help him, but he refused.
Give me one more chance to get the money and free my lands, prayed the Knight.
I will serve you day and night till I have four hundred pounds.