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英国语文第六册(MP3+中英字幕) 第22期:决斗审判(一)(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "Do thou read, brother," answered Isaac, "for mine eyes areas fountains of water." The physician read, but in their native language, the following words: —
  • “兄弟啊,你来念吧,”以撒说道,“我的眼睛已经被泪水浸得看不清上面的字了。”拉比医生用他的母语——希伯来语念到:
  • "To Isaac, the son of Adoni'kam, whom the Gentiles call Isaac of York, peace and the blessing of the promise be multiplied unto thee.
  • “致阿多尼康之子以撒,外邦人称其约克的以撒,愿上帝保佑你平安多福!”
  • "My father, I am as one doomed to die for that which my soul knoweth not-even for the crime of witchcraft.
  • “父亲,我已因施行巫术罪被判处死刑,但是我对此罪名毫不知情。
  • My father, if a strong man can be found to do battle for my cause with sword and spear, according to the custom of the Nazarenes,
  • 父亲,按照拿撒勒人的习俗,如果能找到一个强壮的男人愿意带着剑和矛,
  • and that within the lists of Tem'plestowe, on the third day from this time, peradventure our fathers' God will give him strength to defend the innocent,
  • 于今日起第三日前来圣殿骑士会堂的比武场为我而战,或许父亲信仰的上帝就能给与他力量还女儿清白,
  • and her who hath none to help her. But if this may not be, let the virgins of our people mourn for me as for one cast off,
  • 已经没有其他人能帮助女儿了。如若您没有找到这样一个男人,那么就让纯洁的少女为我哀悼吧,
  • and for the hart that is stricken by the hunter, and for the flower which is cut down by the scythe of the mower.
  • 到时我只能像小鹿一样被猎人刺死;像花儿一样被农夫用镰刀砍断。
  • Wherefore, look now what thou doest, and whether there be any rescue.
  • 所以,望父亲能尽其全力找到这样一个人,看看还有没有一线生机。
  • "One Nazarene warrior might, indeed, bear arms in my behalf, even Wilfred, son of Ced'ric, whom the Gentiles call I'vanhoe.
  • “其实,有一个拿撒勒勇士,就是塞德里克之子威尔弗雷德,外邦人称他艾文荷,他是可以为我而战的,
  • But he may not yet endure the weight of his armour. Nevertheless, send the tidings unto him, my father; for he hath favour among the strong men of his people,
  • 但是他可能还无力承受盔甲的重量。不过父亲,您要将此消息告知于他,他在英国的勇士中享有声望,
  • and as he was our companion in the house of bondage, he may find some one to do battle for my sake. And say unto him, even unto him, even unto Wilfred, the son of Cedric,
  • 我们又曾在监狱中共同患难,他或许能看在与我往日的情份上找到一个为我而战之人。您要将此消息告知他,务必告知他,
  • that if Rebecca live, or if Rebecca die, she liveth or dieth wholly free of the guilt she is charged withal.
  • 告知塞德里克之子威尔弗雷德,他知道后,丽贝卡可能还是会死去,但是,无论生死她都是清白的,她与被指控的罪行毫无瓜葛。


"Do thou read, brother," answered Isaac, "for mine eyes areas fountains of water."

The physician read, but in their native language, the following words: —
"To Isaac, the son of Adoni'kam, whom the Gentiles call Isaac of York, peace and the blessing of the promise be multiplied unto thee.


"My father, I am as one doomed to die for that which my soul knoweth not-even for the crime of witchcraft. My father, if a strong man can be found to do battle for my cause with sword and spear, according to the custom of the Nazarenes, and that within the lists of Tem'plestowe, on the third day from this time, peradventure our fathers' God will give him strength to defend the innocent, and her who hath none to help her. But if this may not be, let the virgins of our people mourn for me as for one cast off, and for the hart that is stricken by the hunter, and for the flower which is cut down by the scythe of the mower. Wherefore, look now what thou doest, and whether there be any rescue.

"One Nazarene warrior might, indeed, bear arms in my behalf, even Wilfred, son of Ced'ric, whom the Gentiles call I'vanhoe. But he may not yet endure the weight of his armour. Nevertheless, send the tidings unto him, my father; for he hath favour among the strong men of his people, and as he was our companion in the house of bondage, he may find some one to do battle for my sake. And say unto him, even unto him, even unto Wilfred, the son of Cedric, that if Rebecca live, or if Rebecca die, she liveth or dieth wholly free of the guilt she is charged withal.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bondage ['bɔndidʒ]


n. 奴役,束缚

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶

rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援

scythe [saið]


n. 长柄的大镰刀 v. 以大镰刀割

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

endure [in'djuə]


vt. 忍耐,容忍
vi. 持久,持续

physician [fi'ziʃən]


n. 内科医生

spear [spiə]


n. 矛(正负电子对撞机)
vt 用矛刺

nevertheless [.nevəðə'les]


adv. 仍然,不过
conj. 然而,不过

guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚





