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美国小学英语教材3:第173课 圣乔治与恶龙(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • After they had gone a long way, they came to a great cave,
  • 他们走了很长一段时间,来到一个巨大的洞穴旁。
  • "Oh!" cried Una, "this is the place where so many travelers have died. See! There is the den of the beast that killed them!"
  • 尤娜说:啊!这里是许多旅行者被杀死的地方。看!这就是杀人野兽的洞穴!
  • Then he will kill no more! cried George, drawing his sword and walking bravely into the den.
  • 他不会再杀人了。乔治喊道,他拿着剑,勇敢地走进了洞穴。
  • Instantly the great beast sprang forward, and George, with one blow of the sword, struck him dead.
  • 巨兽很快就冲到了他的前面,乔治一挥剑就刺死了巨兽。
  • As George and Una rode on and on, many strange things happened to them.
  • 乔治和尤娜就这样走啊走,他们遇到了许多奇怪的事情。
  • Once, when George was drinking from a spring, a giant seized him and carried him off to a dark prison.
  • 有一次,乔治正在山泉前喝水,一个巨人抓住了他,把他关到了一间黑暗的监狱。
  • For three months the young knight lay in this prison, with little food,
  • 这个年轻的骑士在监狱里忍饥挨饿,被关了整整三个月的时间。
  • but at last he was set free by a knight who was led to the giant's castle by Una.
  • 最终,他被尤娜带到巨人城堡的另一个骑士解救了出来。
  • George was so weak from hunger that he could not fight the dragon at once.
  • 乔治由于饥饿而十分虚弱,他无法立刻同恶龙战斗。
  • So Una took him to the home of friends who lived near by.
  • 于是尤娜把他带到了住在附近的朋友的家中。
  • When the young knight was well again, he went one day to see a wise old man, who surprised him greatly by saying,
  • 年轻的骑士恢复了健康,一天,他拜会了一个年长的智者,这位老人的一番话让他非常的惊讶。
  • "You are the son of a king. You were stolen from your home when you were a baby!
  • 你是一个国王的儿子。当你还是个婴儿的时候,你被人从家里偷了出来!
  • Soon you will fight a great battle and win a great victory.
  • 很快你就会进行一场大战,你会大获全胜。
  • In the years to come, people will love you so much for your kind and brave deeds that they will call you Saint George."
  • 再接下来的几年时间里,由于你善良勇敢的行为,人们会非常爱戴你,并称你为圣乔治。


After they had gone a long way, they came to a great cave,

"Oh!" cried Una, "this is the place where so many travelers have died. See! There is the den of the beast that killed them!"
Then he will kill no more! cried George, drawing his sword and walking bravely into the den.
Instantly the great beast sprang forward, and George, with one blow of the sword, struck him dead.
As George and Una rode on and on, many strange things happened to them.
Once, when George was drinking from a spring, a giant seized him and carried him off to a dark prison.
For three months the young knight lay in this prison, with little food,

Saint George and the dragon

but at last he was set free by a knight who was led to the giant's castle by Una.

George was so weak from hunger that he could not fight the dragon at once.
So Una took him to the home of friends who lived near by.
When the young knight was well again, he went one day to see a wise old man, who surprised him greatly by saying,
"You are the son of a king. You were stolen from your home when you were a baby!
Soon you will fight a great battle and win a great victory.
In the years to come, people will love you so much for your kind and brave deeds that they will call you Saint George."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

den [den]


n. 兽穴,洞穴 v. 穴居

saint [seint]


n. 圣人,圣徒
vt. 把 ... 封为圣人





