So, what, you live in the pool house now?
那么 你现在是住在这个泳池别墅里咯
Yeah, my folks want me to be more, you know, independent I guess
是啊 亲戚们都希望我更加 你懂的 更独立吧
They even hooked me up with this life coach dude
Life coach? Yeah
生活导师 是的
I guess he's gonna help me find my purpose in life
I thought I had one but it turns out it wasn't the right one or something, I don't know
我觉得我已经有了 但是事实证明这好像不是正确的目标 我也不知道
Anyway, he's got me on this whole schedule thing
总之 他让我一直都做这些规划好的事情
It's like mondays take out the recycling;
比如 周日 把垃圾拎出去
Tuesdays mow the lawn; Wednesdays go visit Nana;
周二 剪草坪 周三 去见奶奶
Thursdays clean the pool
周四 清洁泳池
It's like don't we have people to do all of this stuff?
Back up
Your Nana is still alive?
Oh yeah
哦 是的
And she's rich right?
她很有钱 对吗
She's loaded
But trust me you don't want to go near my Nana
但你得听我的劝 别打我奶奶的主意
She is one mean sheep
Good. Lower the moon
非常好 把月亮放下来一点
Coffee? Thank you, miss crawly
要咖啡吗 谢谢 凯莉太太
Okay, that's normal
Just needs a knock
See? You're getting it
看 你做到了