Our American friends have permitted a breach of the Statute of Secrecy, that threatens to expose us all.
我们的美国同僚对有人违背了《保密法》视而不见 使整个魔法世界面临暴露的威胁
I will not be lectured by the man who let Gellert Grindelwald slip through his fingers.
Madam President, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but this is critical.
会长女士 很抱歉打扰您 但这事十万火急
You'd better have an excellent excuse for this intrusion, Miss Goldstein.
你这样鲁莽的擅自闯入最好有个合理理由 戈德斯坦恩小姐
Yes, I do.
是的 我有
Madam. Yesterday a wizard entered New York with a case.
女士 昨天一个带手提箱的巫师来了纽约
This case full of magical creatures, and unfortunately, some have escaped.
箱子里全是神奇生物很不幸的是 有一些逃脱了
He arrived yesterday?
You have known for twentyfour hours that an unregistered wizard set magical beasts loose in New York and you see fit to tell us only when a man has been killed?