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权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第9集:贝勒神像(11)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And he didn't have anything to say about it? He said something.
  • 对此他没有说点什么? 他是说了点什么.
  • Well, the odds of me living long enough for him to retaliate just dropped drastically. We'll be at the vanguard tomorrow. Oh well.
  • 嗯, 我活得足够长久...使他能报复我的几率急剧下降了. 明天我们要打前锋. 哦, 好吧.
  • I... Think i'll go and find myself one. Who are you? Who would you like me to be?
  • 我想... 我得给自己也找一个. 你叫什么? 你喜欢我叫什么名字?
  • What did your mother call you? Shae. What did your mother call you?
  • 你母亲叫你什么? 雪伊. 你母亲叫你什么?
  • My mother died giving birth to me. Is that why I'm here? So we can talk about our mothers? What sort of accent is that? Foreign.
  • 我母亲生我时难产而死. 叫我来就为了这个? 为了谈论我们的母亲?你这是哪的口音?外国口音.
  • For-What do you want from me? What do I want from you?
  • 哪个... 你想要我做什么? 我想要你做什么?
  • I want you to share my tent. I want you to pour my wine, laugh at my jokes, rub my legs when they're sore after a day's ride.
  • 我想要你住我的帐篷. 我想要你为我倒酒, 陪我说笑, 每天奔波之后替我按摩双脚.
  • I want you to take no other man to bed for as long as we're together. And I want you to fuck me like it's my last night in this world-
  • 我想要你不跟其他男人上床 只要我们还在一起. 而且我想要你跟我干时要有激情, 当作是我这辈子的最后一次...
  • Which it may well be. And what do I get? Safety.
  • 而这确实很有可能. 那我能得到什么? 一是安全.
  • No one will hurt you for as long as you're mine. The pleasure of my company, which I have heard is spectacular.
  • 只要你属于我就没人敢伤害你. 二是我带给你的快乐, 我听很多人说那确实很快乐.
  • Who told you this? Women you paid? And three: More gold than you can spend if you lived a thousand years.
  • 谁跟你说的? 你付钱找的女人? 三是许多金钱 你活上一千年也花不完.
  • Do you accept my proposal? Let's start with your last night in this world. Khaleesi.
  • 你接受我的提议吗? 让我们开始你这辈子的最后一晚吧. 卡丽煕.


权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第9集:贝勒神像

And he didn't have anything to say about it? He said something.

对此他没有说点什么? 他是说了点什么.

Well, the odds of me living long enough for him to retaliate just dropped drastically. We'll be at the vanguard tomorrow. Oh well.

嗯, 我活得足够长久...使他能报复我的几率急剧下降了. 明天我们要打前锋. 哦, 好吧.

I... Think i'll go and find myself one. Who are you? Who would you like me to be?

我想... 我得给自己也找一个. 你叫什么? 你喜欢我叫什么名字?

What did your mother call you? Shae. What did your mother call you?

你母亲叫你什么? 雪伊. 你母亲叫你什么?

My mother died giving birth to me. Is that why I'm here? So we can talk about our mothers? What sort of accent is that? Foreign.

我母亲生我时难产而死. 叫我来就为了这个? 为了谈论我们的母亲?你这是哪的口音?外国口音.

For-What do you want from me? What do I want from you?

哪个... 你想要我做什么? 我想要你做什么?

I want you to share my tent. I want you to pour my wine, laugh at my jokes, rub my legs when they're sore after a day's ride.

我想要你住我的帐篷. 我想要你为我倒酒, 陪我说笑, 每天奔波之后替我按摩双脚.

I want you to take no other man to bed for as long as we're together. And I want you to fuck me like it's my last night in this world-

我想要你不跟其他男人上床 只要我们还在一起. 而且我想要你跟我干时要有激情, 当作是我这辈子的最后一次...

Which it may well be. And what do I get? Safety.

而这确实很有可能. 那我能得到什么? 一是安全.

No one will hurt you for as long as you're mine. The pleasure of my company, which I have heard is spectacular.

只要你属于我就没人敢伤害你. 二是我带给你的快乐, 我听很多人说那确实很快乐.

Who told you this? Women you paid? And three: More gold than you can spend if you lived a thousand years.

谁跟你说的? 你付钱找的女人? 三是许多金钱 你活上一千年也花不完.

Do you accept my proposal? Let's start with your last night in this world. Khaleesi.

你接受我的提议吗? 让我们开始你这辈子的最后一晚吧. 卡丽煕.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
proposal [prə'pəuzəl]


n. 求婚,提议,建议

retaliate [ri'tælieit]


v. 报复,报仇,回敬

spectacular [spek'tækjulə]


adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的
n. 惊人之举,

tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营





