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权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第9集:贝勒神像(14)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • No one will enter. Bring him back to me. What have you done?
  • 任何人都不能进入. 请为我把他带回来. 你到底做了什么?
  • I have to save him. We could have been 10 miles away from here by now on the way to Asshai. You would have been safe.
  • 我非救他不可. 我们本该远离这里, 走在前往亚夏的路上了. 那样你才能安全.
  • Khaleesi! Are you hurt? The baby... Hmm?
  • 卡丽煕! 你受伤了?我的宝宝...嗯?
  • ...Is coming. Fetch the midwives. They will not come. They say she is cursed.
  • ...就要生了.把接生婆找来.她们不肯来. 她们说他是被诅咒的人.
  • They'll come or i'll have their heads. The witch-she can bring baby. I hear her say so.
  • 我们要么过来, 要么我去把她们的头砍了. 巫魔女... 她会接生. 我听她说过的.
  • Are you in agony, my lion? No. You look like you're in agony. The fire is burning your pretty soft skin.
  • 你不舒服吗, 我的雄狮?不.你看起来很痛苦. 火烧到你漂亮柔软的肌肤了.
  • Ahhh. Damn you, woman. Are you immune to pain? Just used to it. Drink.
  • 啊. 去你的, 女人. 你没有痛觉吗?不过是习惯了.喝酒.
  • Let's play a new game. There's a Braavosi knife game I could teach you-Does it involve the potential for losing fingers?
  • 让我们玩个新游戏吗. 我可以教你玩布拉佛斯匕首游戏... 玩这游戏有可能会失去手指头吗?
  • Not if you win. No! No more fire games, no knife games. Let's do something I'm good at.
  • 如果你赢就不会.不玩!不玩火焰游戏, 不玩匕首游戏. 让我们来点我擅长的游戏吧.


权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第9集:贝勒神像

No one will enter. Bring him back to me. What have you done?

任何人都不能进入. 请为我把他带回来. 你到底做了什么?

I have to save him. We could have been 10 miles away from here by now on the way to Asshai. You would have been safe.

我非救他不可. 我们本该远离这里, 走在前往亚夏的路上了. 那样你才能安全.

Khaleesi! Are you hurt? The baby... Hmm?

卡丽煕! 你受伤了?我的宝宝...嗯?

...Is coming. Fetch the midwives. They will not come. They say she is cursed.

...就要生了.把接生婆找来.她们不肯来. 她们说他是被诅咒的人.

They'll come or i'll have their heads. The witch-she can bring baby. I hear her say so.

我们要么过来, 要么我去把她们的头砍了. 巫魔女... 她会接生. 我听她说过的.

Are you in agony, my lion? No. You look like you're in agony. The fire is burning your pretty soft skin.

你不舒服吗, 我的雄狮?不.你看起来很痛苦. 火烧到你漂亮柔软的肌肤了.

Ahhh. Damn you, woman. Are you immune to pain? Just used to it. Drink.

啊. 去你的, 女人. 你没有痛觉吗?不过是习惯了.喝酒.

Let's play a new game. There's a Braavosi knife game I could teach you-Does it involve the potential for losing fingers?

让我们玩个新游戏吗. 我可以教你玩布拉佛斯匕首游戏... 玩这游戏有可能会失去手指头吗?

Not if you win. No! No more fire games, no knife games. Let's do something I'm good at.

如果你赢就不会.不玩!不玩火焰游戏, 不玩匕首游戏. 让我们来点我擅长的游戏吧.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
agony ['ægəni]


n. 极度的痛苦,挣扎

involve [in'vɔlv]


vt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉

immune [i'mju:n]


adj. 免除的,免疫的

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能





