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疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第56期:正义

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You know how hard it is to turn your back on your friends because it's the right thing to do? Yeah.
  • 你知道背叛朋友有多难吗即使是为了正义知道
  • I know a little bit about that. Then you understand why I didn't say anything. What are you girls gossiping about?
  • 我能体会一二那你就该明白 为什么我选择沉默姑娘们八卦什么呢
  • Andre here was just telling me what a moron you are for kidnapping a cop. Yeah, that came as a bit of a surprise.
  • 安德烈在说你有多愚蠢居然绑架警察是啊 的确有点出乎意料
  • Since when are you hanging out with cops, Dre? Lionel's a client, and he's a good man. Let him go.
  • 你什么时候开始和警察混在一起了 德烈莱奈尔是我的客户 他是个好人放他走
  • It's too late for that, buddy. Now just tell me what you've been saying to the D.A. about my little side job?
  • 太晚了 兄弟告诉我 你对地检官怎么说我的副业的
  • I already told you. Nothing. I want to believe that. You've known me for 15 years.
  • 我告诉过你 什么都没说我倒是想相信你认识我十五年了
  • You're like a brother. You know I'm telling the truth. You were my brother, but you abandoned me. Because you got greedy.
  • 我们情同手足 你知道我说的是实话你曾是我的兄弟 但你抛弃了我那是因为你越来越贪婪
  • You took an honest job and you turned it dirty. I made a business deal. Yeah, with a criminal street gang.
  • 你把一份正当的工作用在歪路上了我用它做成了笔生意是啊 和黑帮做的生意
  • Now you got good men doing bad things. Good men do bad things all the time. No, you're worse than those dealers,
  • 现在你又逼好人做坏事好人经常做坏事不 你比那些人更坏
  • 'Cause you turned on your friends, like Milo. I did what I had to do. Look, if you kill a cop,
  • 因为你还对朋友下手 对麦洛下手我是迫不得已如果你杀了警察
  • The feds are gonna come looking for you. No. They're gonna come looking for you,
  • 联调局会追查你不他们会追查你
  • 'Cause that is how I'm gonna set it up. Get 'em ready. I saw nothing. I told them--
  • 我会布置好现场动手吧我什么都没看见 我说过了
  • You were in Red Hook the night the victim died. We traced your cell. I wasn't even there.
  • 受害人遇害当晚你在红钩区我们跟踪了你的手机我根本不在


疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕).jpg

You know how hard it is to turn your back on your friends because it's the right thing to do? Yeah.


I know a little bit about that. Then you understand why I didn't say anything. What are you girls gossiping about?

我能体会一二那你就该明白 为什么我选择沉默姑娘们八卦什么呢

Andre here was just telling me what a moron you are for kidnapping a cop. Yeah, that came as a bit of a surprise.

安德烈在说你有多愚蠢居然绑架警察是啊 的确有点出乎意料

Since when are you hanging out with cops, Dre? Lionel's a client, and he's a good man. Let him go.

你什么时候开始和警察混在一起了 德烈莱奈尔是我的客户 他是个好人放他走

It's too late for that, buddy. Now just tell me what you've been saying to the D.A. about my little side job?

太晚了 兄弟告诉我 你对地检官怎么说我的副业的

I already told you. Nothing. I want to believe that. You've known me for 15 years.

我告诉过你 什么都没说我倒是想相信你认识我十五年了

You're like a brother. You know I'm telling the truth. You were my brother, but you abandoned me. Because you got greedy.

我们情同手足 你知道我说的是实话你曾是我的兄弟 但你抛弃了我那是因为你越来越贪婪

You took an honest job and you turned it dirty. I made a business deal. Yeah, with a criminal street gang.

你把一份正当的工作用在歪路上了我用它做成了笔生意是啊 和黑帮做的生意

Now you got good men doing bad things. Good men do bad things all the time. No, you're worse than those dealers,

现在你又逼好人做坏事好人经常做坏事不 你比那些人更坏

'Cause you turned on your friends, like Milo. I did what I had to do. Look, if you kill a cop,

因为你还对朋友下手 对麦洛下手我是迫不得已如果你杀了警察

The feds are gonna come looking for you. No. They're gonna come looking for you,


'Cause that is how I'm gonna set it up. Get 'em ready. I saw nothing. I told them--

我会布置好现场动手吧我什么都没看见 我说过了

You were in Red Hook the night the victim died. We traced your cell. I wasn't even there.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装

criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

victim ['viktim]


n. 受害者,牺牲





