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来源:可可英语 编辑:yanfeng   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I was working a scene today,
  • 今天我去了一个案发现场
  • Where a guy blow himself in a sporting goods store.
  • 一个家伙在运动器材店自杀了
  • So they brought this cleaning crew come in.
  • 所以他们就让清洁人员进去打扫
  • You would not believe How much the charge for that shit.
  • 你肯定不会相信 这他妈的要付多少钱
  • With the body there? - No, the body is gone, only blood and stuff.
  • - 尸体还在那儿? - 不在 尸体已经运走了 只有血
  • That is gross. - If you asked me it is really lucrative, you really wanna get in to that.
  • - 好恶心 - 要我说 真的很来钱 你该去做你以为我只会给别人 收拾烂摊子吗?
  • Come here.
  • 过来
  • You know that is not what I think.
  • 你知道我不是这么想的
  • Will there be anything else? - Yes please, a cup of coffee and your name.
  • - 还要点什么? - 是的 一杯咖啡 还有你的名字
  • Forgive me, I forgot my name tag. - Yes, I noticed.
  • - 抱歉 我忘记戴名牌了 - 是啊 我注意到了
  • My name is Anna Jean. - Anna Jean, I'm Stan.
  • - 我的名字是Anna Jean - Anna Jean 我叫Stan
  • Nice to meet you, Stan.
  • 很高兴见到你 Stan
  • I thought you class Are over at 930.
  • 我以为你是9点30下课
  • Why isn't he in bed?
  • 他怎么没在床上睡?
  • He said he was scared, I think he is faking it though.
  • 他说他害怕 我觉得他是装的
  • Here.
  • 给你
  • Take it, its 10 dollars. I know that you need it.
  • 拿去吧 是10美元 我知道你需要它
  • Dad told me, you're fired. - Great.
  • - 老爸告诉我 你被解雇了 - 好极了
  • What happened?
  • 怎么回事?
  • You know Norah, when you are gonna grow up? And start taking responsibility? Norah
  • 你什么时候才能长大? 什么时候才会承担起责任?
  • And start taking ... - Rose do you loved it when i'm so fucked up?.
  • - 什么时候才能... - Rose 看我那么惨 你是不是很开心?
  • Which mean screwing me up would give you the hugest woody.
  • 我这么惨就能衬托你的伟大了


I was working a scene today,

Where a guy blow himself in a sporting goods store.
So they brought this cleaning crew come in.
You would not believe How much the charge for that shit.
你肯定不会相信 这他妈的要付多少钱
With the body there? - No, the body is gone, only blood and stuff.
- 尸体还在那儿? - 不在 尸体已经运走了 只有血
That is gross. - If you asked me it is really lucrative, you really wanna get in to that.
- 好恶心 - 要我说 真的很来钱 你该去做你以为我只会给别人 收拾烂摊子吗?
Come here.
You know that is not what I think.
Will there be anything else? - Yes please, a cup of coffee and your name.
- 还要点什么? - 是的 一杯咖啡 还有你的名字
Forgive me, I forgot my name tag. - Yes, I noticed.
- 抱歉 我忘记戴名牌了 - 是啊 我注意到了
My name is Anna Jean. - Anna Jean, I'm Stan.
- 我的名字是Anna Jean - Anna Jean 我叫Stan
Nice to meet you, Stan.
很高兴见到你 Stan
I thought you class Are over at 930.
Why isn't he in bed?
He said he was scared, I think he is faking it though.
他说他害怕 我觉得他是装的
Take it, its 10 dollars. I know that you need it.
拿去吧 是10美元 我知道你需要它
Dad told me, you're fired. - Great.
- 老爸告诉我 你被解雇了 - 好极了
What happened?
You know Norah, when you are gonna grow up? And start taking responsibility?
Norah 你什么时候才能长大? 什么时候才会承担起责任?
And start taking ... - Rose do you loved it when i'm so fucked up?.
- 什么时候才能... - Rose 看我那么惨 你是不是很开心?
Which mean screwing me up would give you the hugest woody.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dissipation [disi'peiʃən]


n. 消散;浪费;损耗

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员



adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景


关键字: 电影 阳光清洗




