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来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • His wife died a year ago, he wanted to stay in LA but there were too many memories.
  • 他妻子一年前死了,他想待在 L.A.,但是那有太多的回忆。
  • He's renting for tax purposes, but he's hoping to buy a place real soon. I can't believe you went over there.
  • 他租了那里,但是想尽快买个房子。真不敢相信你跑去那里了。
  • Hey, I saw you both flirting at the wake. You're obviously into each other.
  • 那天我看见你们在互相调情。你们互相吸引。
  • Now that you know he's single, you can ask him out.
  • 现在你知道他是单身,就可以约他出来。
  • Julie, I like Mr. Delfino, I do. It's just, I don't know if I'm ready to start dating yet.
  • Julie,我的确喜欢Delfino先生。我只是……我还不知道自己是否准备好要开始约会了。
  • Ugh, you need to get back out there. Come on.
  • 哦,你需要从这里走出去。
  • How long has it been since you've had sex? Are you mad that I asked you that?
  • 去吧,你有多久没做爱了?我问这个会不会让你生气?
  • No, I'm just trying to remember. I don't wanna talk to you about my love life anymore, it weirds me out.
  • 不,我只是在想。我不想和你谈我的感情生活。这很奇怪。
  • I wouldn't have said anything it's just… What?
  • 我不会说什么了,只是…… 什么?
  • I heard Dad's girlfriend asking if you'd dated anyone since the divorce,
  • 我听说老爸的女朋友问你后有没有什么约会,
  • and Dad said he doubted it. And then they both laughed.
  • 老爸说他很怀疑,然后他们都笑了。
  • Hey, Susan. Hi Mike. I brought you a little housewarming gift.
  • 你好,Susan。你好,Mike。我带了点小礼物,欢迎你来这里住。
  • I probably should've brought something by earlier, but...
  • 我应该早点来的,但是……
  • Actually, you're the first in the neighborhood to stop by.
  • 事实上,你是第一个来拜访我的人。
  • Really? Susan knew she was lucky.
  • 真的么?Susan知道她很幸运。
  • An eligible bachelor had moved onto Wisteria Lane, and she was the first to find out.
  • 一个条件不错的单身汉搬来wisteria lane住,她是第一个发现的人。
  • But she also knew that good news travels quickly. Hello there!
  • 但是她也知道好消息……传得很快。你好!
  • Edie Britt was the most predatory divorcee in a 5 block radius. Her conquests were numerous… varied… and legendary.
  • Edie Britt是附近最风骚的离婚女人,她的裙下之臣无数。各种各样…… 简直就像小说。
  • Hi Susan, I hope I'm not interrupting. You must be Mike Delfino.
  • 嗨,Susan.希望没有打扰到你们。你一定就是Mike Delfino。
  • Hi, I'm Edie. Britt. I live over there. Welcome to Wisteria Lane.
  • 嗨,我是Edie. Britt,我住那边。欢迎你来Wisteria lane。
  • Susan had met the enemy, and she was a slut. Thank you, what's this?
  • Susan遇到了敌人,而且还是个荡妇。谢谢,哈哈,这是什么?
  • Sausage Puttenesca. It's just something I threw together. Thanks, Edie. That's great.
  • 一些腊肠之类的东西,我把他们混合了一下。哦,谢谢,Edie。哈哈,很棒。
  • Uh, I'd invite you both in, but I was sorta in the middle of something.
  • 我应该你们进来,但是屋子很乱。
  • Oh, I'm late for an appointment anyway.
  • 哦,反正我快迟到了。
  • Oh, no problem, I just wanted to say hi. Well, thanks.
  • 哦,没事,我只是过来打声招呼。谢谢。
  • And just like that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun.
  • 就这样,对于Mike Delfino的竞争开始了。
  • For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly.
  • 有那么一会儿,Susan很怀疑她和Edie能否友好竞争。
  • Oh, Mike. I heard you're a… plumber? Yeah.
  • 哦,Mike。听说你是个水管工?是的。
  • Do you think you could stop by later tonight and take a look at my pipes?
  • 今天晚上有没有空帮我看看我家的水管?
  • But she was reminded that when it came to men? Women don't fight fair. Sure.
  • 但是她想起,当男人……女人不会打架。当然。


JULIE: His wife died a year ago, he wanted to stay in LA but there were too many memories. He's renting for tax purposes, but he's hoping to buy a place real soon.

他妻子一年前死了,他想待在 L.A.,但是那有太多的回忆。他租了那里,但是想尽快买个房子。
SUSAN: I can't believe you went over there.
JULIE: Hey, I saw you both flirting at the wake. You're obviously into each other. Now that you know he's single, you can ask him out.
SUSAN: Julie, I like Mr. Delfino, I do. It's just, I don't know if I'm ready to start dating yet.
JULIE: Ugh, you need to get back out there. Come on. How long has it been since you've had sex? Are you mad that I asked you that?
SUSAN: No, I'm just trying to remember. I don't wanna talk to you about my love life anymore, it weirds me out.
JULIE: I wouldn't have said anything it's just…
SUSAN: What?
JULIE: I heard Dad's girlfriend asking if you'd dated anyone since the divorce, and Dad said he doubted it. And then they both laughed.
MIKE: Hey, Susan.
SUSAN: Hi Mike. I brought you a little housewarming gift. I probably should've brought something by earlier, but...
MIKE: Actually, you're the first in the neighborhood to stop by.
SUSAN: Really?
NARRATOR: Susan knew she was lucky. An eligible bachelor had moved onto Wisteria Lane, and she was the first to find out. But she also knew that good news travels quickly.
Susan知道她很幸运。一个条件不错的单身汉搬来wisteria lane住,她是第一个发现的人。但是她也知道好消息……传得很快。
EDIE: Hello there!
NARRATOR: Edie Britt was the most predatory divorcee in a 5 block radius. Her conquests were numerous... …varied… and legendary.
Edie Britt是附近最风骚的离婚女人,她的裙下之臣无数。各种各样…… 简直就像小说。
EDIE: Hi Susan, I hope I'm not interrupting. You must be Mike Delfino. Hi, I'm Edie. Britt. I live over there. Welcome to Wisteria Lane.
嗨,Susan.希望没有打扰到你们。你一定就是Mike Delfino。嗨,我是Edie. Britt,我住那边。欢迎你来Wisteria lane。
NARRATOR: Susan had met the enemy, and she was a slut.
MIKE: Thank you, what's this?
EDIE: Sausage Puttenesca. It's just something I threw together.
MIKE: Thanks, Edie. That's great. Uh, I'd invite you both in, but I was sorta in the middle of something.
SUSAN: Oh, I'm late for an appointment anyway.
EDIE: Oh, no problem, I just wanted to say hi
MIKE: Well, thanks.
NARRATOR: And just like that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun. For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly.
就这样,对于Mike Delfino的竞争开始了。有那么一会儿,Susan很怀疑她和Edie能否友好竞争。
EDIE: Oh, Mike. I heard you're a… plumber?
MIKE: Yeah.
EDIE: Do you think you could stop by later tonight and take a look at my pipes?
NARRATOR: But she was reminded that when it came to men? Women don't fight fair.
MIKE: Sure.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
rivalry ['raivəlri]


n. 敌对,竞争,对抗

numerous ['nju:mərəs]


adj. 为数众多的,许多

radius ['reidiəs]


n. 半径,桡骨,半径范围,辐射区

narrator [næ'reitə]


n. 叙述者,讲解员

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

varied ['vɛərid]


adj. 各种各样的 动词vary的过去式和过去分词

plumber ['plʌmə]


n. 水管工人





