卡尔 我的天 你怎么成了这副德行 背弓得像个问号
How's tricks at the CIA?
Less amusing since you stopped coming by. I miss your special gift for pissing people off.
自从你不来以后就失色不少 真怀念你把人气疯的本事
So...What's so important we had to meet right away?
说吧 什么事这么要紧 要马上见我
The FBI said there's terrorists inside the DC police department. Is that true?
联调局说华府警局里混进了恐怖分子 是真的吗
Why would you want to ask about that?
Cause I think they're trying to frame a kid to shut down an investigation.
Is this the kid that got shot by the two cops? Yeah.
就是那个被两个警察枪击的孩子吗 对
Who's framing him?
Special agent by the name of Finnegan. Falsified some evidence.
一个叫范尼根的特工 伪造了一些证据
I know Finnegan. He's the straightest arrow in the quiver. If somebody's doctoring evidence, it isn't him.
我知道范尼根这个人 这家伙正直得要命 伪造证据的绝对不是他
What do you know about these sleepers?
Cal, you need to steer clear of this one.
卡尔 这事你别管
You know better than to tell me that. Why you so scared, Fletcher?
你也知道我的性格 弗莱切 你怕什么
I read the intel. Threat is real. This isn't Hussein and his disappearing weapons of mass destruction.
我看过情报 恐怖威胁是确有其事 这可不是萨达姆和他人间蒸发的大规模杀伤性武器
This is a network financed by people who want to hit us hard.
这是个间谍网络 有痛恨美国的人为他们提供资金
Half of Langley's stocking up on duct tape and plastic sheeting.
What's the target?
Theory is they're going after government buildings.
State department, supreme court, who knows? Maybe the CIA.
国务院 最高法院 谁知道 也可能是中情局
So the FBI is telling the truth? Sleepers inside the police department?
看来联调局说的是实话 警局里确实有潜伏分子
I don't know. But what I do know is you should stay out of it.
我不知道 我只知道你不能插手这件事
Whatever's gonna happen to this kid is nothing compared to what could happen to this city.
People could get hurt, Cal. A lot of people.