一、Listen and Think 先声夺人
Chuck:Who brought the sasquatch?
Nate:Isn't that Carter baizen? I haven't seen him, since he was a senior and we were in the eighth grade. He looks intense.
Chuck:Are you high? He looks like Matthew Mcconaughey, between movies. The guy's a loser. Look, anyone who trades their trust fund for a fanny pack files in the face of all that is holy to Chuck bass.
Baizen:Nate Archibald, is that you?
Nate:Baizen, my man! I heard you went rogue!
Baizen:And lived to tell about it.
Gossip girl:Seems like someone's itinerary didn't leave room for interlopers. Doesn't Chuck know A party isn't a party until someone crashes?

Chuck:你是不是嗑药了?他像极了Matthew Mcconaughey(影星),到处拍电影露脸。这个家伙很失败。用信托基金和这种人交换一个旅行腰包,然后在大家面前显摆,只有Chuck Bass才这么做。
Baizen:Nate Archibald 是你吗?
Gossip girl:看起来好像某人的狂欢安排有不速之客来搅局。难道Chuck不知道没有人砸场子的派对,谈不上真正的派对吗?
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