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- You should consider going a little easier on Torres.
- 你得考虑对Torres友好点。
- She's all false positives.
- 为什么? 她只会误报。
- That's the trouble with naturals.
- 瞧,这就是天赋过人的麻烦。
- They don't see what's missing.
- 根本看不到缺少了什么。
- They're all instinct and no science.
- 只会凭直觉,不靠科学。
- I'll have a falafel sandwich, please. An Italian ice. Grape.
- 我要个沙拉三明治。意式冰激凌,葡萄味
- You wash your hands today? Uh, yeah, of course.
- 你今天洗手了吗?呃当然洗了
- Do you have any kind of pain in your neck? Uh, no. Why?
- 你脖子疼吗? 呃,没有,为什么这么问?
- People touch it when they lie. It's a classic manipulator.
- 人们撒谎时会摸脖子。这是个经典的机械反应
- You been to the bathroom today? Cal.Uh, no.
- 你今天上过厕所吗?Cal。呃,没有。
- Oh, great. Anybody else want a side of feces? Anybody? Side of feces?
- 噢,太好了。谁要来一份大便配菜?谁要? 大便配菜要不?
You should considergoing a little easier on Torres.
She's all falsepositives.
See, that's the trouble with naturals.
They don't see what's missing.
They're all instinct and no science.

I'll have a falafel sandwich, please.
Foster:An Italian ice. Grape.
Lightman:You wash your hands today?
Waiter:Uh, yeah, of course.
Lightman:Do you have any kind of pain in your neck?
Lightman:People touch it when they lie.
It's a classic manipulator.
You been to the bathroom today?
Anybody else want a side of feces?
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/video/201202/171310.shtml