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可可网友们,大家好。明天就是圣诞夜了。虽然我们都已经过了相信圣诞老人的年龄,但快乐热闹的日子里还是希望大家都多一份快乐。居家男人Jack, 也因那段似梦似幻的经历,在圣诞节这天,寻找家的温暖。

Kate: Jack. What are you doing here? Do you need closure? Because if you do, after all these years you got it. I'm okay. I'm fine. I...I was heartbroken, Jack. but I got over it, I moved on, and... you should move on too. Okay? I'm sorry. I just can't... I've gotta go. I-I...I'm sorry, Jack. I'm sorry. Excuse me.

Jack: Can I just...I'm sorry. I was here. We have a house in Jersey! We have two kids. Annie and Josh. Annie's not much of a violin player, but she tries real hard. She's a little precocious, but that's only because she says what's on her mind. And when she smiles...

And Josh, he has your eyes. He doesn't say much, but we know he's smart. He's always got his eyes open. You know, he's always watching us. Sometimes you can look at him and you just know... he's learning something new. It's like witnessing a miracle.

The house is a mess, but it's ours. After 122 more payments, it's going to be ours.

And you... you're a nonprofit lawyer. That's right. You're completely nonprofit. But that doesn't seem to bother you. And we're in love. After 13 years of marriage, we're still unbelievably in love. You won't even let me touch you till I've said it.

I sing to you. Not all the time, but definitely on special occasions. And we've we've dealt with our share of surprises, and made a lot of sacrifices, but we stayed together.

You see, you're a better person than I am, and it made me a better person to be around you.

I don't know. Maybe... maybe it was all just a dream.

Maybe I went to bed one lonely night in December and I imagined it all, but I swear, nothing's ever felt more real. And if you get on that plane right now, it'll disappear forever.

I know we could both go on with our lives, and we'd both be fine. But I've seen... what we could be like together. And I choose us.

Please, Kate. One cup of coffee. You can always go to Paris. Just... please, not tonight.

Kate: Okay, Jack.

Jack: Okay.

对于突然出现在机场的JackKate唯一能想到的就是他可能想要给十几年前那段感情一个closure. Closure, 结束。如果那样的话就完全不必要了,因为I got over it, I moved on. Get over something, 从痛苦或疾病中恢复;克服。再比如:He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll get over it. 他因为没得到那份工作很失望,但是他想得开。Move on, 继续前进。

这时,Jack开始讲述那些迷住了自己的奇幻感受。她们有两个孩子,女儿叫Annie, 并且is not much of a violin player. 表示she doesnt play violin very well. 小提琴拉得不太好。但是很努力,并且有点precocious,早熟的。还有一个男孩儿,叫Josh, 喜欢观察别人。

房子呢,是a mess, 乱七八糟,一团糟的。但是After 122 more payments, 再交122次贷款,就将是我们自己的了。

Kate尽管是个nonprofit lawyer, 公益律师,政府或者社会法律援助机构的律师,工会的维权律师,人权机构的维权律师等被称为公益律师,不为钱财,但是乐此不疲。

Jack呢,会在special occasions,特殊情况下为Kate唱歌。Onoccasion, 在某种情况下。And weve dealt with our share of surprise. Deal with, 解决,处理问题。Share of surprises指代生活中两个人共同经历的意外事件。Made a lot of sacrifices, 牺牲了很多。但是,we stayed together. 我们患难与共。

也许,那些都是我的梦,但是I swear, 我发誓,我保证。那些经历从没有这么真实过。虽然,我们都能go on with our lives 继续自己现有的生活,但是,如果我们有可能在一起的话,I choose us. 我选择我们。这句话也是十几年前Kate在机场对Jack说过的。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

miracle ['mirəkl]


n. 奇迹

violin [.vaiə'lin]


n. 小提琴

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

precocious [pri'kəuʃəs]


adj. 早熟的


关键字: 口语 时尚 影音




