中英文本I first met her at the university 8 years ago.8年前的大学时代,我遇到了她。My major was anthropology and her was history.我得专业是人类学,她的专业是历史。We fell in love and wed, but three m
中英文本I often wondered my ancestry.我时常对我的祖先们很好奇。I knew that my angular face and large eyes came from my father's Spanish ancerstors.我知道自己棱角分明的脸和一双大眼睛来着父亲的
中英文本Good morning everyone.诸位早上好,I'd like to make a new remarks.我来说几句。Let me start by saying, I think the merger is a good idea.首先, 我认为合并是件好事。If we amalgamate our
中英文本Yesterday, I decided to get my pants altered.昨天,我决定去裁缝店改裤子。I had $200 in my wallet, which was more than enough for the alteration.我钱包里有200美金,改条裤子是绰绰有余了。Foolis