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胡敏读故事记托福短语(MP3+中英字幕) 第112期:自救

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 112.Helping Oneself
  • 112.自救
  • Jenny headed for the health center as quickly as she could.
  • 珍妮尽快向卫生院走去。
  • She had heard about how they could help people with food poisoning and she needed that help fast-her stomach was in great pain.
  • 她听说过他们能够抢救食物中毒的人,而她正急需抢救——她的肚子痛得不得了。
  • It was from her new job in a restaurant. Jenny had answered an ad in the help-wanted section, they had hired her that day,
  • 这事都怪她在一家餐馆找了份新工作。 珍妮看到招工栏里有个广告便去应聘,结果当天就被录用了。
  • And now she was sick from the food she had helped herself to in the back room during her own lunch break!
  • 午休的时候她在后屋偷吃了一些东西,没想到就中毒了!
  • She kept running! After passing through the heavily forested park in the center of town,
  • 她一直跑啊跑。穿过市中心森林茂密的公园之后,
  • she fought through the crowds of the heavily populated city and crossed three streets of heavy traffic.
  • 她又从这座人口稠密的城市的人群中杀出一条路来,尽管街上车水马龙,她还是过了三条街。
  • Finally she burst through the door and collapsed at the front counter.
  • 最后到医院时她从门口冲了进去,瘫倒在前台。
  • "Please wait in the waiting room!" the receptionist said, pointing to a door past an old heating unit.
  • "请在候诊室等待!"接待员指着旧暖气片旁边的一扇门说。
  • "But I'm dying. Can't you help me out right now!" she asked.
  • "可我快不行了,你们不能现在就帮帮我吗?"她问道。
  • "We hear that from every visitor. Please take a seat and wait your turn!"
  • "每个来看病的人都是这么说的。请你坐下来等着!"
  • Stumbling into the room Jenny sat down.
  • 珍妮摇摇晃晃进屋坐下了。
  • After reading a poster on the wall about health education, Jenny rose to help herself-she just couldn't take the pain anymore.
  • 看了墙上一个关于健康教育的广告之后,珍妮起身自救起来——她实在是疼痛难忍。
  • She put her finger in her throat and vomited up the bad food the floor.
  • 她把手指放到喉咙里,把有毒的食物吐到了地板上。
  • Then things really heated up!
  • 接着事情真的变严重了!
  • The receptionist came running out and a doctor rushed Jenny to one of the check-up rooms.
  • 接待员跑了出来,一名大夫赶快把珍妮送到了一间检查室。
  • "I heard from our receptionist that you couldn't wait for us, eh?" the doctor said as he started looking over Jenny.
  • "我从接待员那里听说你等不及了,是吗?"大夫一边说,一边开始上下打量珍妮。
  • "Yeah. Have you ever heard of an emergency? Now I'm fine, thank you!" Jenny stood up, wiped her face and walked out.
  • "是的。你们听说过急症吗?我现在没事了,谢谢您!"珍妮起身擦了擦脸,然后走了出来。
  • The receptionist had to clean up the mess!
  • 残局只好由接待员来收拾!


112.Helping Oneself

Jenny headed for the health center as quickly as she could.
She had heard about how they could help people with food poisoning and she needed that help fast-her stomach was in great pain.
It was from her new job in a restaurant. Jenny had answered an ad in the help-wanted section, they had hired her that day,
这事都怪她在一家餐馆找了份新工作。 珍妮看到招工栏里有个广告便去应聘,结果当天就被录用了。
And now she was sick from the food she had helped herself to in the back room during her own lunch break!
She kept running! After passing through the heavily forested park in the center of town, she fought through the crowds of the heavily populated city and crossed three streets of heavy traffic.


Finally she burst through the door and collapsed at the front counter.

"Please wait in the waiting room!" the receptionist said, pointing to a door past an old heating unit.
"But I'm dying. Can't you help me out right now!" she asked.
"We hear that from every visitor. Please take a seat and wait your turn!"
Stumbling into the room Jenny sat down.
After reading a poster on the wall about health education, Jenny rose to help herself-she just couldn't take the pain anymore.
She put her finger in her throat and vomited up the bad food the floor.
Then things really heated up!
The receptionist came running out and a doctor rushed Jenny to one of the check-up rooms.
"I heard from our receptionist that you couldn't wait for us, eh?" the doctor said as he started looking over Jenny.
"Yeah. Have you ever heard of an emergency? Now I'm fine, thank you!" Jenny stood up, wiped her face and walked out.
The receptionist had to clean up the mess!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
counter ['kauntə]


n. 计算器,计算者,柜台
[计算机] 计数器

poster ['pəustə]


n. 海报,装饰画



adj. 粒子数增加的 v. 居住于…中;构成…的人口(

needless ['ni:dlis]


adj. 不需要的,无用的

burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发





