Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little as ten years before, you can’t help being strucked by the __1
appearance of the women taking part. Their hair styles and make-up look date; their skirts look either too long or too short__2 ;
their general appearance is, in fact, slightly ludicrous.
The men taking part, on other hand, are clearly recognizable. __3
There is nothing about their appearance to suggest that they belong to an entire different age. This illusion is created __4
by changing fashions. Over the years, the great minority of men __5
have successfully resisted all attempts to make it change their __6
style of dress. The same cannot be said for women. Each year,a fewer so-called top designers in Paris and London lay down __7
on the law and women around the world run to obey. The __8
decrees of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial.Sometime they decide arbitrarily, that skirts will be short and __9
waists will be height; hips are in and buttons are out. __10