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SAT阅读理解模拟练习题附答案和解析 第13期

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  SAT阅读练习题:Reading Comprehension Test 13

  8 question 12 minutes

  Could Washington, Madison, and the other framers of the

  Federal Constitution revisit the earth in this year 1922,

  it is likely that nothing would bewilder them more than

  the recent Prohibition Amendment. Railways, steamships,

  5 the telephone, automobiles, flying machines, submarines

  – all these developments, unknown in their day, would

  fill them with amazement and admiration. They would

  marvel at the story of the rise and downfall of the

  German Empire; at the growth and present greatness of

  10 the Republic they themselves had founded. None of these

  things, however, would seem to them to involve any

  essential change in the beliefs and purposes of men as

  they had known them. The Prohibition Amendment, on the

  contrary, would evidence to their minds the breaking

  15 down of a principle of government which they had deemed

  axiomatic, the abandonment of a purpose which they had

  supposed immutable.

  1. It can be inferred that the paragraph is intended as

  A. an introduction to a discussion of a constitutional amendment

  B. a summary of social and political change since the writing of the Federal Constitution

  C. an introduction to a history of the Constitution

  D. a clarification of the author’s view of a controversy

  E. a summation of a discussion on political history

  2. The author apparently believes that the “principle of government” mentioned in the last sentence is

  A. not implicit in the original Constitution

  B. to be taken as true for all time

  C. apparently violated by the Prohibition Amendment

  D. an essential change in the beliefs of the American people

  E. something that would bewilder Washington and Madison

  I have previously defined a sanctuary as a place where man

  is passive and the rest of Nature active. But this general

  definition is too absolute for any special case. The mere

  fact that man has to protect a sanctuary does away with his

  5 purely passive attitude. Then, he can be beneficially active

  by destroying pests and parasites, like bot-flies or

  mosquitoes, and by finding antidotes for diseases like the

  epidemic which periodically kills off the rabbits and thus

  starves many of the carnivora to death. But, except in cases

  10 where experiment has proved his intervention to be

  beneficial, the less he upsets the balance of Nature the

  better, even when he tries to be an earthly Providence.

  3. The author implies that his first definition of a sanctuary is

  A. totally wrong

  B. somewhat idealistic

  C. unhelpful

  D. indefensible

  E. immutable

  4. The author’s argument that destroying bot-flies and mosquitoes would be a beneficial action is most weakened by all of the following except

  A. parasites have an important role to play in the regulation of populations

  B. the elimination of any species can have unpredictable effects on the balance of nature

  C. the pests themselves are part of the food chain

  D. these insects have been introduced to the area by human activities

  E. elimination of these insects would require the use of insecticides that kill a wide range of insects

  Paragraph one

  That Priestley's contributions to the knowledge of chemical

  fact were of the greatest importance is unquestionable; but

  it must be admitted that he had no comprehension of the

  deeper significance of his work; and, so far from

  5 contributing anything to the theory of the facts which he

  discovered, or assisting in their rational explanation,

  his influence to the end of his life was warmly exerted in

  favor of error. From first to last, he was a stiff adherent

  of the phlogiston doctrine which was prevalent when his

  10 studies commenced; and, by a curious irony of fate, the man

  who by the discovery of what he called "dephlogisticated air"

  furnished the essential datum for the true theory of

  combustion, of respiration, and of the composition of water,

  to the end of his days fought against the inevitable

  15 corollaries from his own labors.

  Paragraph two

  It is a trying ordeal for any man to be compared with Black

  and Cavendish, and Priestley cannot be said to stand on

  their level. Nevertheless his achievements are truly

  wonderful if we consider the disadvantages under which he

  20 labored. Without the careful scientific training of Black,

  without the leisure and appliances secured by the wealth of

  Cavendish, he scaled the walls of science; and trusting to

  mother wit to supply the place of training, and to ingenuity

  to create apparatus out of washing tubs, he discovered more

  25 new gases (including oxygen, which he termed

  “dephlogisticated air”) than all his predecessors put

  together had done.

  5. Which pairing best reflects the main emphasis of the two passages? The first focuses mainly on Priestley’s

  A. discoveries of chemical fact; the second on his ingenuity

  B. discovery of “dephlogisticated air”; the second on his discoveries of gases

  C. lack of theoretical understanding; the second on his lack of training

  D. importance to future science; the second on his status in relation to his contemporaries

  E. theoretical misconceptions; the second on his success in the face of disadvantage

  6. It can be inferred that “dephlogisticated air” is

  I a misnomer, but relating to something important

  II a gaseous substance discovered by Priestley

  II something not fully understood by Preistley

  A. I only

  B. II only

  C. I and III

  D. II and III

  E. I, II and III

  7. The metaphor “scaled the walls of science” conveys the idea that Priestley

  A. climbed to the pinnacle of science

  B. fought his way to the top

  C. escaped the confines of traditional ideas

  D. achieved success in a difficult endeavor

  E. clawed his way up against opposition

  8. The attitude of both the passages to Priestley’s scientific work could be described as

  A. firm disapproval

  B. wholehearted praise

  C. qualified approval

  D. determined neutrality

  E. ambivalence


重点单词   查看全部解释    
epidemic [.epi'demik]


n. 传染病,流行病
adj. 流行的,传染性

intervention [.intə'venʃən]


n. 插入,介入,调停

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

involve [in'vɔlv]


vt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉

apparatus [.æpə'reitəs]


n. 装置,器具,器官,机构,组织

ambivalence [æm'biveiləns]


n. 矛盾情绪,矛盾心理

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

marvel ['mɑ:vəl]


n. 奇异的事物,罕见的例子
v. 惊异于,惊

summation [sʌ'meiʃən]


n. 和;总和;合计

misunderstand ['misʌndə'stænd]


v. 误解,误会





