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  1.Explorer David Livingstone has ------- reputation: some historians revile him as a proponent of imperialism, while others ------- him as a founder of African Nationalism.

  (A) a substantial . . exalt

  (B) a sketchy . . vilify

  (C) an illustrious . . dismiss

  (D) a dichotomous . . praise

  (E) a pristine . . castigate

  2.The research is so ------- that it leaves no part of the issue unexamined.

  (A) comprehensive

  (B) rewarding

  (C) sporadic

  (D) economical

  (E) problematical

  3.Bolstered by his unflagging determination and ------- physical preparation, Tom Whittaker became the first amputee to successfully climb to the summit of Mount Everest.

  (A) fortuitous

  (B) assiduous

  (C) heedless

  (D) expeditious

  (E) pedantic

  4.A remarkably ____ plant, the soybean yields not only dairylike products, but also flour, cooking oil, and sprouts.

  Answer Choices

  (A) imperishable

  (B) resistant

  (C) tedious

  (D) incessant

  (E) versatile

  5.Laboratories have been warned that provisions for animal protection that in the past were merely ------- will now be mandatory;------- of this policy will lose their federal research grants.

  (A) comprehensive . . adversaries

  (B) nominal . . advocates

  (C) disregarded . . proponents

  (D) recommended . . violators

  (E) compulsory . . resisters

  6.Since the two legislators had a long history of major disagreements, the senator considered his colleague’s enthusiastic assurances that they would be in agreement on a forthcoming piece of legislation -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A) fatuous

  (B) precious

  (C) sagacious

  (D) meritorious

  (E) ignoble

  7.The jellyfish’s slow pulsing action propels it in a graceful, seemingly ------- drift, but its tentacles contain a poison potent enough to stun a swimming human.

  (A) sinister

  (B) rhythmic

  (C) murky

  (D) harmless

  (E) patient

  8.Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, is not ------- in preventing bone and joint diseases, which can make bones susceptible to injury, but it can help injured bones -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A) corrective . . heal

  (B) effective . . recover

  (C) detrimental . . multiply

  (D) supportive . . degenerate

  (E) vital . . persist


  1.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. The structure of the sentence suggests that Livingstone’s reputation is based on two different, even mutually exclusive, interpretations; in other words, these views of him are “dichotomous.” The second part of the sentence describes this dichotomy: some historians “revile” him, while others do the opposite, or “praise” him.

  2.The correct answer is A

  Try filling in the blank without reading the answer choices. What kinds of words would fit? Words like complete, thorough, or extensive could all fit. Now look at the answer choices. “Comprehensive” is very similar to the words suggested, and none of the other choices fits at all.

  3.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. In climbing Mount Everest, Tom Whittaker was “bolstered,” or supported, by the type of physical preparation required to reach the summit of Mount Everest. “Assiduous,” or careful and persistent, preparation coupled with “unflagging determination” would help someone complete such a challenging task.

  4.The correct answer is E

  The information after the first comma actually explains the missing word. The fact that such a variety of products can be made from one plant indicates that the soybean is very “versatile”: it has many uses.

  5.The correct answer is D

  The word “merely” indicates that the past provisions were not as strict as the “mandatory” provisions and “recommended” is the only first term that conveys a lesser degree of strictness. Only “violators” could logically be penalized by losing their federal research grants.

  6.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. It makes sense that the senator, in light of his and his colleague’s shared history of non-cooperation, would consider the colleague’s assurances “fatuous,” or complacently foolish.

  7.The correct answer is D

  The jellyfish is presented as seeming the opposite of harmful. Only “harmless” fits the logic required by “but.”

  8.The correct answer is B

  It makes sense to say that although bromelain is not “effective” against, or cannot prevent, bone injury, it is effective in helping injured bones “recover.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
meritorious [.meri'tɔri:əs]


adj. 值得嘉奖的

challenging ['tʃælindʒiŋ]


adj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

persistent [pə'sistənt]


adj. 固执的,坚持的,连续的

murky ['mə:ki]


adj. 黑暗的,朦胧的,烟雾弥漫的,含糊的,隐晦的

tedious ['ti:diəs]


adj. 沉闷的,单调乏味的

thorough ['θʌrə]


adj. 彻底的,完全的,详尽的,精心的

rhythmic ['riðmik]


adj. 有节奏的,有韵律的

logic ['lɔdʒik]


n. 逻辑,逻辑学,条理性,推理





