Perhaps nearly as difficult was the duty of telling Max Newman, so long a father figure. But if so, it did not show in Alan's behaviour.
He simply announced that he had been arrested, and the reason for it, while they were sitting at lunch in the refectory.
He did this in a particularly loud voice, making it clear that he rather wanted it to be heard by all and sundry.
Max Newman was astonished, but his reaction was one of support.
Alan asked him to appear as a character witness at the trial, a request he also made of Hugh Alexander, currently working for GCHQ.
They both agreed. So in this respect Cambridge liberalism was prepared to stand up and be counted on his behalf—no small matter when a known homosexual was a social leper, conferring stigma by association.
It was easier to tell those who were already familiar with his homosexuality.
To Fred Clayton Alan wrote: The burglary business was actually infinitely worse than an ordinary burglary.
I had got a boy friend, who ... put his friends on to my house. One of these has been picked up by the police and has informed against us.
When you come to Liverpool perhaps you will stop off to see me in jail.