Alan Turing himself always sought to play down any such comparison, which in his view was irrelevant to the essential thesis that the brain could be regarded as a discrete state machine.
Thus in the 1948 report for the NPL he had written:"We could produce fairly accurate electrical models to copy the behaviour of nerves, but there seems very little point in doing so."
"It would be rather like putting a lot of work into cars which walked on legs instead of continuing to use wheels."
The Mersenne prime problem was a highly artificial, if ingenious, application of the growing Manchester computer.
Only from the autumn of 1949 could it be applied to 'regular' problems.
Besides those of Alan Turing himself, as later described, it was used for optical calculations, tracing rays through systems of lenses, and for some mathematical work in connection with guided missiles.
X-ray measurements give only the amplitudes of the different frequency components in the diffracted X-rays, and not the phases.
The analysis depends upon guessing the phases, the criterion of a correct guess being that when the amplitudes and phases are put together,
they lead to a picture of the crystal which is in accord with physical reality, with the right number of atoms and a positive electron density.
This is exactly the same idea as guessing a key, given a piece of cipher-text: the criterion of a correct guess being that it give a sensible message.