In April 1951 he had another look at the word problem for groups, and came up with a result which J.H.C. Whitehead at Oxford found 'sensational'—but it was never published.
Max Newman kept him interested in topology, and he went to seminars.
But the trend of postwar pure mathematics was moving away from his interests.
Mathematics was flowering through a greater and greater abstraction for its own sake, while Caliban on his island remained somewhere in between the abstract and the physical.
Nor was he a keen conference-goer, loathing the academic chitchat, but he went to the British Mathematical Colloquia that Max Newman helped to get started.
In spring 1951 he went with Robin to one at Bristol, which got him interested in discussing topology with the mathematician Victor Guggenheim.
But these were only diversions.
Another diversion was offered by the BBC, whose new highbrow Third Programme was offering a series of five talks on computers.
One was by Alan, the others by Newman, Wilkes, Williams and Hartree.
Alan's went out on 15 May 1951 and was entitled 'Can Digital Computers Think?'.
Largely it ran over the ground of the universal machine and the imitation principle.
There were some references to the 'age-old controversy' of 'free will and determinism', which harked back twenty years with a mention of Eddington's views on the indeterminacy of quantum mechanics, and back ten years with some suggestions on how to incorporate a 'free will' element in the machine.