It would count the number of '1' pulses in a 40-bit sequence.
This would have no application in a numerical program, but would be very useful in one where the digits coded 'yes' or 'no' answers to some Boolean question, and it was required to count the 'yes' answers—just what the Colossus had done.
Such applications might possibly have been spare-time interests of his own.
However, it was during this period, as the international situation hardened, that he found himself consulted by GCHQ.
It would indeed have been remarkable had they not consulted the person who knew more about cryptology and the potential of electronic computers than did anyone else.
And had he not described cryptanalysis as the most 'rewarding' field for the application of programming?
Few, however, were in a position to perceive this fact, the subject being more secret than ever.
A hark-back to cryptology also featured in his discussions with a young American, David Sayre, in this period.
A graduate of the wartime MIT Radiation Laboratory, Sayre was now at Oxford studying molecular biology with Dorothy Hodgkin.
Having worked with F.C. Williams during the war, he made a visit to Manchester to see the computer, explaining that it might help in X-ray crystallography, Williams passed him on to Alan, who showed an unusual kindness and geniality, making Sayre21 'perfectly at ease with him'.
They talked for two and a half days, interrupted only when 'the telephone would ring to say that the machine was free for a few minutes in case he wanted to use it, and he would gather up sheaves of paper and ribbons of punched paper tapes ...and disappear for a bit.'
David Sayre was able to guess that Alan had worked on cryptological problems during the war.