It would be the chemical equivalent of piling the last straw on the camel's back. Alan's own analogy was that of a mouse climbing up a pendulum.
Here was an idea which might explain something about how the information in the genes could be translated into physiology.
The problem of growth as a whole would be far, far more complicated than this.
But analysis of this moment of creation might yield a clue as to how the harmony and symmetry of biological structures could suddenly appear, as if by magic, out of nothing.
To examine this moment of crisis mathematically, one had to approximate over and over again.
He had to ignore the internal structure of the cells, and forget that the cells would themselves be moving and splitting as the patterning process took place.
There was also an obvious limitation to the chemical model.
How was it that the human heart was always on the left hand side?
If this symmetry-breaking of the primordial sphere were determined at random, then hearts would be equally distributed between left and right.
He had to leave this problem on one side, with a conjecture that at some point the asymmetry of the molecules themselves would play a part.
The process of gastrulation, essentially as revealed in Natural Wonders.
But with these reservations, his approach was to take the model and try it out.