Chinese media have noticed a trend of pregnant women rushing to have caesarean sections before the end of August, so that their yet-to-be-born children will be in the academic year ahead of September-born babies.
China News Service has released a video featuring a "busy scene" of pregnant women at a hospital in the city of Wuhan. The video has prompted an online debate about Chinese parents' attitude towards education.
Some said striving to have a child before September leaves parents feeling they have "won time" regarding their child's education.

But most said the trend is "crazy" and shows the way in which Chinese parents are putting too much pressure on their children.
"Do people nowadays no longer care about the health of a foetus?" one social media user asks. "A full-term birth is more conducive to a baby's health."
"The trend is ridiculous, and these women are ridiculous," another adds.
Many social media users say they think China's competitive education system is to blame, and some fear the impact on infant health.
"Premature births can have an impact on a child's intelligence," one user notes.