Is arguably LeBron's greatest strength also his greatest weakness?
Probably just another off-season shit-post for this sub to pass some time, but just wanted to know if anyone else catches my drift with this.
Let me just start by saying LeBron is still the best player in the game and has already cemented himself as a Top 5 GOAT at the absolute worst. Not meant to bash him in any way, just want to look at him and his game more critically.
Of all LeBron's strengths, I think most of us would agree that getting the most of lesser rosters is probably the first or second best. I've said multiple times on here that LeBron gives you probably the best floor of any superstar in history.
There is no guy in history I would trust more than LeBron to take a team of a bunch of less-than-stellar players and prop them up into relevancy in the league. Give him the ball and he will create something good no matter how bad the guys around him are.
The things that he has been able to do with some of the rosters he's had are just phenomenal and I don't think anyone else could do the things he's done.
But, a high floor can only get you so far. Having a higher ceiling is pretty important as well. Of course, there's no way a 4x MVP and 3x champion has by any means a low ceiling, but I think it's safe to say that due to the nature of his game, the ceiling of a team built around LeBron is limited (not greatly but at least noticeably when looked deeper into).
As I said, you give LeBron the ball, surround him with average players and he'll take that squad farther than anyone ever can. But there's two sides to this coin. LeBron's presence, in all its greatness, demands that everything revolve around him.
He is relatively weak without the ball (inconsistent shooting the main culprit here), so to compensate for that, you need the ball in his hands as much as possible. But that limits your ability to run a fluid and versatile offense with other talented guys.
As much as all these "Cavs fall apart without LeBron" takes show his value (again, not demeaning him or anything), they certainly also reveal the one potential flaw of building a team around LeBron in that the team must revolve around LeBron. Of course, as a Nets fan, I'd take the seasons LeBron's teams have had any day of the week, but you have to wonder why a team with a guy in the GOAT conversation still in his prime seems to have a limited ceiling.
It is just that hard to build a high-ceiling team around him, and even in cases when they do reach high ceilings, it seems more often than not it is due to talent than due to good team-building.

LeBron and Wade had trouble at first because both had really similar games that revolved around dominating the ball (and the same limitations shooting-wise), but were able to get past it when Wade started declining (but was still an all-NBA caliber player) and the reigns were fully handed to LeBron.
Same with Kyrie to some extent, where Blatt wanted to establish an offense with Kyrie running the show more but that just was not possible. Lue comes in, the team goes full LeBron-ball mode and they win it all (albeit it was a very narrow win with luck on their side).
Almost never can you say a team built around LeBron has seen a sustained run of dominance, in large part due to the limitations that LeBron-ball puts on you.
Compare this to someone like Curry. Obviously not as good of a player as LeBron. But the nature of his game allows for a team with a higher ceiling. One of the few players in the league just as dangerous and impactful without the ball as he is with it.
Can easily create for himself and his teammates with the ball in his hands, but uses his adeptness at playing off-ball to bring out the best in his teammates' skills. It is much easier to build a winning team offense around the skill of Steph Curry, due to the fact that he does not need the ball to be effective and have an impact on his team.
Playing without the ball allows his team full of playmakers (Dray/Iggy/Livingston) to create offense while Steph Curry is still able to get his and have superstar impact. And the results are clear the past 3 seasons. 67/73/67 wins the past 3 seasons.
Top 2 offense and defense nearly every year (and when not, they were definitely in the top 5). 2 championships and narrowly missing out on a 3rd in the final minute of a close Game 7. Guys making all-NBA teams and dropping triple double due to the gravity of Curry.
Teams willing to allow a 7 foot scoring machine a free pass to the rim because they are that afraid of Curry shooting even a contested 3. Guys who were nothing but memes the year before all of a sudden playing crucial minutes and making big plays in playoff games.
All these are possible because of the kind of environment that Curry creates and the results don't lie. People have started to take 67-win seasons for granted since the Warriors run of dominance has started, but people forget that before 2014, no team had won 67 games in 7 years and only 2 had done it since the turn of the century.
Yes, 67 is an arbitrary number and other teams have done 66, but this isn't about just the number. It is about reaching a point and staying there. The fact that they've hit a point that so few have and kept it up for 3 straight years (each year having the best record in the league by 6+ games) just shows the potential of a team built around Curry.
Yes, he had KD this past year, but if anything, that only proves my point more because it shows how Curry's game is more accommodating to bringing in talent while still allowing everyone to have superstar impact within the system.