He was said to be spying on a militant group called Lashkar-e-Taiba based in Lahore that had helped our people a lot during the earthquake and floods.
They were thought to be behind the terrible Mumbai massacre of 2008.
The group's main objective was to liberate Kashmir's Muslims from Indian rule, but they had recently also become active in Afghanistan.
Other people said Davis was really spying on our nuclear weapons.
Raymond Davis quickly became the most famous American in Pakistan.
There were protests all over the country.
People imagined our bazaars were full of Raymond Davises, gathering intelligence to send back to the States.
Then the widow of one of the men Davis had murdered took rat poison and killed herself, despairing of receiving justice.
It took weeks of back and forth between Washington and Islamabad, or rather army headquarters in Rawalpindi, before the case was finally resolved.
What they did was like our traditional jirgas – the Americans paid 'blood money' amounting to $2.3 million and Davis was quickly spirited out of court and out of the country.
Pakistan then demanded that the CIA send home many of its contractors and stopped approving visas.
The whole affair left a lot of bad feeling, particularly because on 17 March, the day after Davis was released, a drone attack on a tribal council in North Waziristan killed about forty people.
The attack seemed to send the message that the CIA could do as it pleased in our country.
One Monday I was about to measure myself against the wall to see if I had miraculously grown in the night when I heard loud voices next door.
My father's friends had arrived with news that was hard to believe.
During the night American special forces called Navy Seals had carried out a raid in Abbottabad, one of the places we'd stayed as IDPs, and had found and killed Osama bin Laden.