8. Swing their tail from left to right
It shows confidence. They show their strength by walking majestically and swinging their tail from left to right. It is also a sign that they are within their territory.
They do this when they are frustrated or are mad. They feel bad so it's better to leave them alone. Be careful of an outburst: they may suddenly bite or scratch you.
They do this sign when they are concentrated in order to catch their prey. They also do this when they are thinking something or pondering.
They do this when they are thinking what they should do. They also wave a tail like this when they cradle kittens.
They reply to you only with a tail because it is troublesome to wake up. It is like an amiable reply. It may also like a conditioned reflex.
They do this when they feel fear. When animals show their belly, it means they are showing their weakest point. They "protect" themselves by hiding. On the contrary, it means they are confident if their tail is falling.
This sign shows that they don't like being held. On the contrary, it means they are confident when they wave their tail slowly.