5 Harry Thaw And The Bellboy

A drug-addicted, spendthrift playboy, Harry K. Thaw encountered much controversy throughout his life because of a tragic love triangle. It included his wife, Evelyn Nesbit, widely considered one America's most beautiful women, and prominent architect Stanford White, whom he would later murder.
A violent incident foreshadowed his later behavior, though. While courting Nesbit, Thaw went with her and her mother to London, where they stayed at separate hotels.
One day, he laid a pile of gold coins on his suite dresser. Then Thaw hid and waited for his bellboy to arrive. Thinking no one was watching, the bellboy took two of the coins.
Thaw jumped out and dragged the bellboy to the bathroom where he stripped him naked, tied him up, and savagely beat him with a riding crop. Thaw was never punished. To "square the matter," he simply paid a sum of $5,000.
4 John Hammond Jr.'s Telepathy Experiments

John Hays Hammond Jr. was a US inventor whose success allowed him to build the medieval-style Hammond Castle in Gloucester, Massachusetts. There, he had a laboratory where he perfected the remote control technologies for which he's most well-known.
From 1951 to 1952, Hammond also worked alongside psychic Eileen Garrett to research telepathy. He put Garrett inside a Faraday cage—which is designed to keep out electromagnetic waves—to see if ESP was carried by electromagnetic waves.
Allegedly, the cage heated up so much due to the surrounding electromagnetic waves that it left a faded spot on the floor in the castle's Great Hall that is still visible today. In a strange conclusion, Hammond stated that ESP was not carried through electromagnetic waves because Garrett could still communicate with ESP.
3 Terry Watanabe's Year-Long Gambling Binge

Terry Watanabe's fortune was derived from his family's party favor company in Omaha, Nebraska. Unfortunately, he became severely addicted to gambling, first at a casino in Iowa and later in Las Vegas. Steve Wynn, the owner of the Wynn Las Vegas casino, barred him from his properties. Caesars Palace, however, welcomed Watanabe with open arms.
Over a one-year period that started in 2007, Watanabe gambled away $127 million. In fact, his gambling was responsible for 5.6 percent of Harrah's total profits that year.
After he refused to pay $14.7 million in credit that he had taken out, they took him to court alleging fraud. According to Watanabe, the staff illegally gave him liquor and painkillers to keep him at the hotel.
If convicted, Watanabe could have served 28 years in prison. However, all charges were dropped after the two sides struck a confidential deal in 2010.

J.P. Morgan, the legendary financier and one of the wealthiest men who ever lived, was known for his acute business acumen and cutthroat personality. However, Morgan was deeply insecure about his nose.
His bulbous, deformed nose was the result of the skin condition rosacea, and he went to great lengths to try to conceal it. Almost every photograph of him was retouched, and those taken outside his control were destroyed.
Due to childhood seizures, Morgan never allowed doctors to treat his nose. He feared that being put under anesthesia would cause his seizures to return. Despite his insecurity about his appearance, he often used it to his advantage because it was intimidating to those who dealt with him.
1 The Lonely Millionaire's Will

Luis Carlos de Noronha Cabral da Camara was the illegitimate son of an unloving, aristocratic Portuguese mother. Despite his pedigree and wealth, Carlos never found true happiness and spent much of his life drinking, shooting, and riding motorbikes.
Carlos had no children or family, so he wrote up an unusual will. When he finally drank himself to death in 2007, his bizarre last wishes came to fruition. Choosing randomly from a phone book, Carlos had left his entire estate to 70 different people.
Apparently, Carlos preferred to have his money go to people he didn't know rather than the state, which he believed had already taken enough of his money. Once his estate was divided up, the recipients received several thousand euros each. Many of his inheritors were in complete disbelief, an effect he wanted according to a friend who had witnessed the will.