If your partner gets a thrill out of making you jealous, they could have a bigger personality flaw than simple attention-seeking.
Scientists say it could be a sign that they are a narcissist.
Narcissists make their partners jealous to gain power in their relationships or to get a self-esteem boost, the researchers found.
A survey of 200 students found people with narcissistic personalities are more likely to flirt with others to make their partner jealous.
'There is some element of normality to narcissists, in that they pursue goals much like everyone else does,' Gregory Tortoriello, a psychologist at the University of Alabama, told LiveScience. 'We're just finding that it's to a slightly greater degree.'

Narcissistic people are known for having an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for attention and a lack of empathy for others.
But narcissists fall into two categories. The first, grandiose narcissists, are extroverted people with a sense of entitlement and high self-esteem.
The second group, known as vulnerable narcissists also have a sense of entitlement, but they have low self-esteem and are willing to exploit people to get what they want.
The researchers found that both types of narcissists try to make their partners jealous but for different reasons.
'They are, according to our study, inducing jealously in their partners as a means to pursue some greater goal,' Mr Tortoriello said. 'They're doing it intentionally.'
Grandiose narcissists reported that they make their partners jealous in an attempt to gain power and control in their relationship.
But vulnerable narcissists said they make their partners jealous to test how much their partner liked them, to seek security in their relationship or just to compensate for having low self-esteem.
Some vulnerable narcissists said they flirt with others to get revenge on their partners for what they perceived as disloyal behaviour.