Eating a diet rich in vegetable oil could put you at risk for dementia, experts claim.
Emerging research shows the oil is more likely than others to cause plaque build up in the brain, a known precursor to serious neurodegenerative diseases.
In the mid-20th century, Americans were increasingly concerned about the growing rate of heart disease and were told to ditch saturated fats - such as butter and cream - in favor of vegetable oil.
But Dr Catherine Shanahan, a nutritionist and family physician, says this was a serious mistake.

Dr Shanahan explains that in the 1950s, consumers were told to stop eating saturated fats and turn to products like vegetable oil, which soon became a pantry staple. But there was another factor to its popularity.
She told Daily Mail Online: 'Restaurants and other establishments turned to vegetable oil because of the cost and availability. Olive oil is 10 to 50 times more expensive than vegetable oil.'
'Also, it's very easy to use in cooking because there's not a high smoke point and it doesn't have a flavor like olive oil. So it has a one-size-fits-all factor.'
Vegetable oils comes in a variety of forms - canola, palm, corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, rice bran and grapeseed.