Today we're going to talk about weapons which have been developed over the years. These weapons are off course very effective in what they do, and this is probably why they were designed in the first place.
Many are in the process of being banned or have active campaigns to outlaw them.
Some have even become part of our everyday life and we don't even notice them anymore.
While the Pamela Anderson movie was indeed an affront to humanity, that's not what we're taking about here.
Originally intended as a means to keep cows in their confinement, barbed wire was invented by Joseph Glidden, an American cattle rancher, in 1874.
Soon after, some people saw the potential such an invention can have on the battlefield and began using it in wars as a means to protect certain strategic key points.
But nowhere was barbwire used more intensively and with more devastating effects than WWI.
It is estimated that by the end of the war in 1918, at least one million miles of it were laid throughout Flanders alone. That's enough to encircle the planet 40 times.
The 400 mile long trench line between the Allies and the Central Powers was so heavily intertwined with the stuff that in some places barbed wire entanglements could extend as much as 300 feet into No Man's Land.

While barbed wire was primarily intended to stop the enemy troops from getting within grenade throwing distance from the trench, it was also used to funnel the enemy into pre-arranged machine-gun sites.
The exact number of people killed by barbwire is unknown, but a lot of reports came back from the front line talking about soldiers getting stuck in those entanglements and dying hours or even days later from their wounds or by the mercy of an enemy soldier.
Since then barbed wire has become a symbol for oppression and is used by every military around the world.
Not only that, but its uses extend well into civilian life and it's safe to say that there is almost no person alive today who hasn't seen barbwire at least once.
The hollow point bullet is among the most controversial items on this list. The difference between it and a regular bullet is that this one, as its name suggests, has a pit or hollowed out shape in its tip, compared to a regular one which is rounded out.
This makes a tremendous difference when the bullet hits its target. Instead of "punching through", make a hole and probably get out the other side, the hollow point ammunition and its more advanced variant, the Radically Invasive Projectile (RIP), splits off into nine different directions at the moment of impact.
This will leave the victim with massive internal damage and bleeding, as shards of the bullet spread out throughout his entire body.

Being hit by a bullet such as this can spell almost certain death, as it is extremely difficult for surgeons to stop the bleeding and remove all the pieces in time.
This type of ammunition is so deadly and downright evil that all major countries agreed to ban it in warfare as early as 1899 at the Hague Convention. All countries with the exception of the United States.
Even though it's not standard issue to have hollow point bullets in the US Army, this type of ammo is used by the police in several states around the country and is heavily marketed to the general public in those states as "the safest ammunition for self-defense".
What's even worse is that, not only doesn't the hollow point get any closer to being banned from the street; it's also being considered by the US Army to be standard ammo in sidearms by 2018.
High-Explosive Anti-Tank Ammo or simply HEAT is a type of ammunition that has been in use since World War II.
Discovered by accident when testing the effects of explosives on concrete walls and steel plating, HEAT shells don't use kinetic energy to penetrate armor, but rather their inside shape.
By placing a hollow diamond shaped copper cone in front of an explosive charge, on impact the whole energy generated is funneled in just one small point, instead of dissipating in all directions.

This way a smaller charge can be used and the hot stream of particles, travelling at a speed 25 times greater than the speed of sound, can melt right through a tank's armor plating, spraying the crew inside with molten metal.
Not relying on the projectile's velocity to do its job, HEAT ammo is mostly used by infantry. Bazookas, RPGs, Panzerfausts and all other rocket or grenade launchers, use this kind of ammo.
Today tanks have added protection against these rounds, but they are still very effective against light-armored personnel transporters.