Chemical warfare has been banned since the atrocities that took place during WWI. That was the time when systematic chemical warfare came into being as well as when it stopped…theoretically.
Since then the Nazis were the ones who used poisoned gas to kill off people in the Holocaust, as well as the Japanese against people from China.
After WWII chemical weapons of different sorts have been used in some rare and isolated conflicts around the world.

More recently however different reports have surfaced showing that at least one side in this whole Syrian conflict to be using chlorine gas as a weapon on entire villages.
Chemical compounds in chlorine gas are acid-forming and have a pronounced effect on the respiratory system, flooding it and often times resulting in suffocation.
Moreover, survivors of such an attack will most likely suffer chronic breathing problems.
What is frightening here is that in desperation and war, people will often times resort to horrible means of achieving their goals and it seems that chlorine gas and chemical warfare might even make a comeback.
Depleted uranium (DU) is the waste that's left behind after a process known as nuclear enrichment, creating fuel for a nuclear reactor.
Depleted uranium is very dense, 68% more so than lead, and it just happens to be lying around after the enrichment process.
It has several civilian uses such as shielding for radiography cameras, trimming weights in airplanes, coloring for dental porcelain, and as sampling calorimeters for use in particle physics.

Nevertheless, its main use is in manufacturing weapons. Its density makes it ideal for armor, armor piercing bullets and tank shells.
All good so far, but when firing such a weapon, once it hits, the uranium fractures into several shards and a fine powder so hot it burns upon contact with the air, forming a huge fire ball.
This dust then flies into the atmosphere and then settles on the ground, becoming a huge health hazard. Even though depleted, DU has a weak radiation output which becomes highly dangerous in powder form.
If ingested either by breathing it in or drinking it in water, it can have horrible effects.
Parts of the Balkans and Iraq, places where these weapons have been used extensively, have reported a steep rise in child leukemia and birth defects.
Even though these types of weapons are still used on a wide scale, the UN has recommended that these weapons fall in the category of chemical weapons, thus making their use illegal.
A napalm bomb is a firebomb fuel gel mixture, which has a gel-like consistency allowing it to stick to targets.
Used in combination with gasoline or kerosene and incased in a thin aluminum shell, a napalm bomb burns at temperatures greater than 5,000 degrees F (2,760 C) when ignited.
Making its debut in WWII, napalm was used by the US Air force over Tokyo in the later stages of the war, killing an estimated 100,000 people and razing 15 square miles of the city to the ground.
Allied forces also bombed Dresden with napalm in February, 1945, killing somewhere between 35,000 and 135,000 German civilians. But its most intensive use was during the Korea and Vietnam Wars.

Since they're quite inaccurate, napalm bombs are classified as "dumb bombs" and are mainly effective against fortified positions like bunkers, caves and tunnels, as well as vehicles, convoys, small bases, structures or even entire forests.
They're also appreciated for the fear they instill in the enemy. Besides adhering to the skin and causing hard to treat second or third degree burns, napalm also produces toxic gases, fatal if inhaled.
Also burning the oxygen around the blast area, it is very likely for people to die just from asphyxiation alone.
There have even been reports of people jumping into rivers in order to escape the hellish fire, only to boil in the water because of the extremely high temperatures.
Protocol III of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons forbade the use of napalm or any other incendiary weapon on civilians, but the United States, even if it ratified the convention, isn't part of Protocol III.
1980年 《联合国特定常规武器公约》第三号协定书中提出:禁止对民众使用凝固汽油弹或其他任何燃烧武器。但是即使美国也批准了这条公约,它依旧不是第三号协定书的成员。
Using this highly destructive weapon is controversial at best and many nations frowned upon the US for using it in both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars of the past decade.
White phosphorus (WP) is a chemical compound often used in warfare as artillery shells and grenades in order to create smoke so it can provide cover, or sometimes even used as a marker to illuminate certain targets.
This sounds innocent enough and might well save lives by using it in this manner, but unfortunately this is not the only use for white phosphorus in military operations.
Willy Pete, as it is named in military jargon, when in contact with air, spontaneously ignites and burns at tremendously high temperatures.
The white smoke it produces is a result of phosphorus pentoxide coming in contact with moisture in the air or, let's say, a person.

When this happens, phosphoric acid is formed. WP continues to burn until it runs out of oxygen or the substance is depleted.
Besides being toxic if inhaled, WP literally melts its way down to the bone when in contact with live tissue.
This weapon falls in the same category as napalm and is under fairly strict regulations of the 1980 UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons.
What we mean by "fairly" is the fact that, even though white phosphorus is allowed in war, and only against military objectives, it can only kill with its burning properties, not its chemical ones.
Though denying it at first, Israel admitted using WP on both military and civilian targets in their 2008-2009 offensives in Gaza.