Why the world's eighth most populous country never has won an Olympic medal
Thirty-two years after Bangladesh’s Olympic debut, the world’s eighth most populous country still has not won a single medal, nor has it even managed to produce a viable contender. No Bangladeshi athlete has competed at the Winter Games, and none of the country’s 43 summer Olympians have placed better than 21st in an event.
While population rankings typically are a poor barometer for Olympic success, Bangladesh’s futility is still unfathomable for a country with an estimated 160 million residents. Of the world’s 40 most populous countries, the only others without an Olympic medal are war-ravaged Democratic Republic of Congo (No. 18) and Myanmar (No. 26), which until recently had been governed by an oppressive military dictatorship.
Seven athletes from Bangladesh competed in Rio the past two weeks with only modest success to show for it.