Sleep has become a big deal in working life. Thanks to high-profile figures including Arianna Huffington, sleeping is no longer seen as a sign of weakness among competitive colleagues. Apple introduced a Night Shift feature on its devices earlier this year, as consumers recognised that stimuli such as your screen's backlight can affect your sleep quality.
Research shows that more sleep can lead to us earning more money. A US study has found that in areas where the sun s earlier, people sleep for longer - and this translates into higher earnings. In the long term, just one extra hour of sleep a week increases wages by 4.9%. So if you live in an area that gets darker earlier, you should be richer. But don't move house just yet - the higher wages correspond almost exactly with inflated house prices. As Jeffrey Shrader, one of the authors of the study, puts it: "If you want to sleep more, there are better ways to do it than moving house - just buy better curtains."
研究表明,更多的睡眠会让我们赚更多的钱。美国一项研究发现,在太阳落山早的地方,人们睡得更长,这转化为更高的利润。从长远来看,多一个小时的睡眠,一个星期工资会增加4.9%。如果你生活在一个太阳落山早的地方,你应该更富有。但这时还不能搬家--更高的工资与膨胀的房价也几乎完全一致。Jeffrey Shrader,该研究的作者之一,说道:"如果你想睡更久,有比搬家更好的办法,就是买更好的窗帘。"
This goes against conventional economics. Each extra hour of sleep should take away from working time. So how can sleeping earn you money? The answer is productivity. "The biggest effects come through employees who work on commission," says Shrader. "If you go to work well rested, you are livelier and happier, and can sell more to increase your earnings."

Even small amounts of sleep deprivation can have large effects. Another study found that sleeping six hours a night for two weeks produced the same results in cognitive tests as being totally sleep-deprived for up to two days straight. But a mid-afternoon kip can help. "Naps are great," says sleep psychologist Dr Hans Van Dongen. If you struggle to get eight hours of sleep a night, a siesta can have a "reset" effect, and your productivity improves afterward. "Roughly speaking, an hour's nap can make up for an hour in lost sleep at night."
即使是少量的睡眠缺乏,也可以产生很大影响。另一项研究发现,在认知测试方面,连续两周每晚睡6个小时和连续两天完全缺乏睡眠产生的结果相同。但是下午睡觉会有帮助。"小睡很有用,"睡眠心理学家Hans Van博士说道。如果你努力想每晚睡八个小时,午睡可以有一个"重置"效应,午睡之后,你的效率提高。"粗略地说,一个小时的午睡可以弥补晚上少睡的一小时。"
Lack of sleep has already been shown to be worse for productivity than being overweight or underweight. So, why are you still reading this? You should go back to bed.