5.You Might Have Raynaud's Syndrome
Raynaud's Syndrome is a condition that affects the arteries, the vessels that carry blood away from your heart to your organs and extremities. In sufferers of the syndrome exposure to cold can result in what is known as vasospasm, where the arteries constrict, reducing blood flow to the extremities. Sufferers typically have problems with blood flow to the fingers and toes but some also notice problems with their ears, nose, lips and even, quite unpleasantly, the nipples. As the blood flow is cut off the affected parts of the body will turn white or blue. This is unpleasant but the more painful experience is when blood flow returns, turning the fingers or other extremities red, they may burn as the blood returns.

Raynaud's Syndrome is relatively common, affecting around 5% of the American population (and is probably seen at similar levels in populations worldwide). While some people are naturally susceptible to Raynaud's others can develop it over time as they cause damage to their extremities. People who are engaged in long term repetitive work (playing a musical instrument for example) are easily more susceptible as are those who have damaged a hand or a foot. Many sufferers of Raynaud's Syndrome report that they feel cold all the time and have difficulty warming up. This is not really surprising, after all if your hands and feet are cold the rest of you will feel pretty miserable too!
4.You May Not Be Sleeping Enough

Have you ever been up all night – either to cram as much last minute revision as possible into your mind before an exam or because you have a bear of a flight that means you cross more time zones than you knew existed over an eye watering period of time. You may have managed to stay awake on coffee and chocolate but how did you feel in the early hours of the morning? Our bet is you had to wrap yourself in a warm fleece just to make it through and still shivered! How did you find that final flight? You may have been going to some tropical paradise but you almost certainly needed to request that complimentary blanket the stewardess handed out.
Why does this happen? The answer appears to be down to our circadian rhythms. Sleep research has shown that our biological clocks are designed to run in tandem with our lifestyles. Our bodies are designed to be warmer when we are awake and colder when we are asleep, this is why we need warm and cozy bedding to help us feel comfortable at night. The difference in temperature between the two can be quite significant – up to 2 degrees. Therefore if you are awake at a time when you would normally be asleep you will end up noticing the temperature difference and feel cold. Your body can cope with the odd late night but if you are consistently messing with your sleep your body clock will not be able to adjust and you might end up feeling cold at the wrong time.
3.You Might Have A Fungal Infection

Yeast, or Candida is present in all our bodies and is essential for digestion and to help us absorb nutrients from food. Unfortunately from time to time Candida can start to run riot which will lead to a yeast infection. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as taking antibiotics that can kill off internal bacteria which allows Yeast to spread to take over their place and pregnancy and menstruation can create an environment in which vaginal thrush can thrive. Diabetics are particularly prone to yeast infections because the yeast likes to feed on the sugar in their systems. For many people these infections are no more than an inconvenience, an oral or vaginal infection that can be treated with an over the counter medicine.
For other people, however, their yeast infections are never truly healed but remain hidden within the body, exhibiting just enough symptoms to make life very unpleasant but not quite enough for a trip to the doctor or a diagnosis. Persistent Yeast infections can impact on almost every area and system of the body and one of the key symptoms is an inability to get warm. If you think you may be suffering from a candida infection then a frank discussion with your doctor can help. You may need to take an intensive course of antifungals and back that up with a candida cleanse diet – cut out as much sugar as possible including bread and carbohydrates for a period of two weeks and eat live yoghurt or take probiotic supplements to help restore the balance of bacteria and candida in your system.
2.You Might Not Have Enough Energy

We all suffer from stress, it is part and parcel of modern life. We are stressed from work, from our family and above all from the demands of juggling the two. Our bodies are designed to handle high stress situations from time to time, we have the reserves to cope. What we are not designed for, however, is dealing with high levels of stress for long periods of time without a break.
Temperature regulation is a complex system that requires the body to manage a lot of different processes in order for it to work properly. This requires a lot of energy to maintain. If a person exists in a state of stress for too long their body will simply run out of the energy they need to cope with day do day functions including maintaining a normal body temperature. This situation is known as an energy crisis. You are likely to find yourself in an energy crisis if you have been operating at too high a level of stress for too long. To exacerbate the problem you may not be eating properly and will almost certainly not Be getting enough sleep.
1.You Might Have Developed A Thyroid Problem

The thyroid is a gland situated in the neck that is responsible for producing a number of different hormones that control a range of different bodily functions including metabolism and temperature regulation. Problems with the thyroid can manifest themselves in a number of different ways including feeling cold all the time. This symptom is likely to show up in people who suffer from a slow or sluggish thyroid and are not, therefore, producing enough of the hormones required to maintain an efficient temperature management system. When the thyroid hormones are working properly, they assist cells in metabolizing food for energy – creating 65% energy and 35% heat. It is this heat that is used to maintain the body temperature. If your thyroid function is impaired so that this energy/heat conversion becomes less efficient then it is likely that a sufferer will feel cold all the time. People with a slow thyroid are also likely to notice other symptoms such as excessive tiredness, weight gain, absentmindedness and inability to concentrate. If you suspect that you are suffering from thyroid problems speak with your physician about running a blood test to check your hormone levels. If your thyroid is indeed not producing enough of the required hormones, your doctor will prescribe supplements to bring the levels back up to normal. He or she may also advise on some lifestyle changes which will help manage and mitigate the problem.
So there you have our list of the 10 most likely reasons why you feel cold all the time. It can be pretty depressing reading, as nobody wants to think that they might be suffering from Diabetes or Raynaud's Syndrome but the good news is that many if not all of these causes can be treated relatively easily. These 10 causes are not medical mysteries but problems which have been known about for a long time and for which research has identified safe and effective treatments. In this regard your physician is your friend and you should make an appointment to go and speak with him or her about the cold. Before you go, try to keep a journal for the week or two leading up to the appointment. Use the journal to note what you have eaten, what you are wearing, where you are and the ambient air temperature. Note how other people, dressed similarly to you, claim to be feeling so that you have something to compare it to. Keep a list of other important points as well. Note what time you get up and go to sleep and the quality of that sleep, plus details of the food that you have eaten over the course of the day. All this might seem like hard work but it will help your doctor to narrow down the potential causes of your problem and to decide which tests to run first.