Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi hasannounced the government will provide larger bonuses and pensions forIndonesian medalists at the upcoming Olympics in Rio Di Janeiro, in Brazil.Gold medalists will receive a bonus of Rp 5 billion (US$ 377,500) and alifetime pension of Rp 20 million per month.
Athletes who win silver and bronze willreceive Rp 2 billion and Rp 1 billion respectively, plus pensions of Rp 15million and Rp 10 million.
“We do hope that these rewards will boost their morale,”Nahrawisaid.
It is a pivotal step for the athletes as itis the first time the government has also included a pension program formedal-winning athletes.
The cash prize for gold is five times theamount promised to athletes in past Olympic meets.
Past athletes also won’t miss out,with the government promising to back-pay the pension to medalists in pastOlympic and Paralympic meets.
USOC pays athletes $25,000 for a goldmedal, $15,000 for silver and $10,000 for bronze.
In the question of team sports, eachparticipating athlete also receives a full medal bonus. So when the US women’s soccerteam took home gold in London, all 18 team members got a $25,000 payout.
Medal bonuses were first introduced by USOCfor the 1994 Winter Olympics in Norway. For those Games gold medalists received$15,000, silver medals were worth $10,000 and third-place finishers got $7,500.Olympians formerly received just $2,500 for a top-eight finish. Payouts wereincreased to the current rates for the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in 2002.
Canada and Australia both pay $20,000 intheir respective currencies for a gold medal. The United Kingdom doesn’t pay medalbonuses, while nations like Singapore, Malaysia and Kazakhstan reportedly havesix-figure payouts.