The listener who insists on distinctly hearing the words under the music has his desire fulfilled by the singer
in that the latter speaks rather than sings, intensifying the pathetic expression of the words by means of this half-song.
By this intensification of the pathos he facilitates the understanding of the words and overcomes the remaining half of the music.
The specific danger now threatening him is that in some unguarded moment he may stress the music unduly, which would immediately entail the destruction of the pathos of the speech and the distinctness of the words;
while, on the other hand, he feels himself continually impelled to musical discharge and a virtuoso exhibition of his vocal talent.
Here the "poet" comes to his aid, who knows how to provide him with abundant opportunities for lyrical interjections, repetitions of words and sentences, etc.
--at which places the singer, now in the purely musical element, can rest himself without paying any attention to the words.
This alternation of emotionally impressive speech which, however, is only half sung, with interjections which are wholly sung, an alternation characteristic of the stilo rappresentativo,
this rapidly changing endeavor to affect now the concepts and imagination of the hearer, now his musical sense, is something so utterly unnatural and likewise so intrinsically contradictory both to the Apollinian and Dionysian artistic impulses, that one has to infer an origin of the recitative lying outside all artistic instincts.
According to this description, the recitative must be defined as a mixture of epic and lyric delivery,not by any means as an intrinsically stable mixture,
a state not to be attained in the case of such totally disparate elements, but as an entirely superficial mosaic conglutination,such as is totally unprecedented in the domain of nature and experience.
But this was not the opinion of the inventors of the recitative:
they themselves, together with their age, believed rather that the mystery of antique music has been solved by this stilo rappresentativo,
in which, so they thought, was to be found the only explanation of the enormous influence of an Orpheus, an Amphion, and even of Greek tragedy.