With this insight a culture is inaugurated that I venture to call a tragic culture.
Its most important characteristic is that wisdom takes the place of science as the highest end--
wisdom that, uninfluenced by the seductive distractions of the sciences, turns with unmoved eyes to a comprehensive view of the world,
and seeks to grasp, with sympathetic feelings of love, the eternal suffering as its own.
Let us imagine a coming generation with such intrepidity of vision, with such a heroic penchant for the tremendous;
let us imagine the bold stride of these dragon-slayers, the proud audacity with which they turn their back on all the weaklings' doctrines of optimism
in order to "live resolutely" in wholeness and fullness:
would it not be necessary for the tragic man of such a culture, in view of his self-education for seriousness and terror,
to desire a new art, the art of metaphysical comfort, to desire tragedy as his own proper Helen, and to exclaim with Faust:
Should not my longing overleap the distance
And draw the fairest form into existence?
But now that the Socratic culture can only hold the scepter of its infallibility with trembling hands; now that it has been shaken from two directions--
once by the fear of its own consequences which it at length begins to surmise,
and again because it no longer has its naïve confidence in the eternal validity of its foundation
--it is a sad spectacle to see how the dance of its thought rushes longingly toward ever-new forms,
to embrace them, and then, shuddering, lets them go suddenly as Mephistopheles does the seductive Lamiae.