Ainslie –the most successfulOlympic sailor in history, with five medals –is captain of theLand Rover BAR sailing team and has a penchant for come-from-behind victories.
艾恩斯利是有史以来最成功的奥林匹克航海家,总共获得了5枚奥运奖牌。他也是路虎本·艾恩斯利帆船队(Land Rover BAR)的船长,他经常在比赛中后来居上,最终取得胜利。
On the final day of racing in Oman inFebruary, the winds were light. In the first two of three heats, Ainsliemisjudged the winds and steered his yacht over the start line too quickly – afault of a mere 12cm the first time and 10cm the second. The penalty meant hehad to let the other boats pass him.
But the third heat changed everything. Withthe wind still barely blowing, Ainslie fought from third place to first, andthe victory was enough for his team to clinch the entire event.
Looking back now, Ainslie said there’s a bigreason his team managed the win. As captain, Ainslie was quick to takeresponsibility for the first two faults, and that meant his team could move onto the third heat without blame hanging over them.
“I could have had a group of guys looking at me in frustration. Butwe have guys who understand it’s OK to make mistakes,”said Ainslie. “My guys know, if you push and fail, it doesn’t have to bethe end.”
That’s not an easy task for most leaders.Admitting you’re the reason something went wrong, owning up to the fact thatyour department or company failed is tough. But sucking it up, coming forwardand learning from the experience is the hallmark of a great manager.
Accepting mistakes
It’s human nature for people to want totake credit for what went right and shift blame for what went wrong, saidOliver Donoghue, managing director and co-founder of the Nonstop RecruitmentSchweiz AG talent agency in Prague. In many companies, that creates a culturewhere nobody wants to take responsibility for fear of being punished.
布拉格人才中介公司Nonstop Recruitment Schweiz AG总经理兼联合创始人奥利佛·多诺霍(OliverDonoghue)表示,多数人都希望将成功归功于自己,将错误归咎于别人,这是人性使然。很多公司都形成了因为担心遭到惩罚,而没人敢于承担责任的文化。
“What you need to learn is that it’s not the mistakesthat define you,”Donoghue said, “it’s what you do with them.”
Nearly every type of team has the sameproblem with taking responsibility when things go awry, said Jan Hagen,associate professor at ESMT business school in Berlin. Hagen has studied thereactions of different people – from office workers to flight crews –that arefaced with stress. In cockpits, he found that crew members often won’t reportproblems to the captain out of an innate anxiety associated with delivering badnews.
柏林ESMT商学院副教授简·哈根(Jan Hagen)表示,几乎每种类型的团队在承担失败的责任时都会面临相同的问题。哈根研究了不同人——从办公室员工到空勤人员——面对压力时的反应。在驾驶舱内,他发现空勤人员经常因为害怕传达坏消息而不向机长汇报问题。
In the business world, middle managersoften keep their heads down when things go wrong, fearing that reporting aproblem means they’ll take the blame, Hagen said. “It’s never easyto admit to a problem, even in a great organisation,”he said.
The problem with this system of denial isthat you lose out on the chance to learn from the mistake, Hagen said. Instead,after admitting to a failure, analyse what went wrong, which will help youfigure out how to avoid it next time.