Admit it: The first thing you do after finding someone on social media is take a long, good look at their profile picture. After all, it can say a lot about a person.
To prove it, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania analyzed 60,000 Twitter users' photos and asked 429 people to fill out a personality questionnaire. Here's what they found, as illustrated by a few of our favorite social media loving celebs.

If it's just your face ...
You're conscientious. There's a reason you didn't go with the group shot from your last birthday party: You're trying to come off as older and more mature. You also prefer "orderliness, planned behavior, and self discipline" and chances are your picture is also light, colorful, and natural-looking.
If it's a group of people ...
You're extroverted. It might not be the most well-shot pic, but who cares when it shows off all your favorite people? You often come off as youthful in your picture and are photographed with other fun-loving people - but when you're the life of the party, we bet it's hard to find a pic that's not as such.
You're agreeable. Your photo also probably features smiling faces, but that's not the focal point. In fact, the quality of your photo is likely low in sharpness, blurry, and bright. But in general, it gives off a positive emotion since you tend to evoke social harmony and cooperation.
If it's black and white ...
You're neurotic. Since your choice is basically the opposite of colorfulness, it's likely you're a little emotional and can be a bit negative at times. But perhaps grayscale just speaks to your dramatic side.
You're open. We're talking high-contrast, saturated images. While usually you don't show your face, when you do, you're probably making a statement. These unique choices show you're intellectual and open to new experiences.