Mario Draghi has cautioned that the pace of the eurozone’s recovery may be slowing, as the European Central Bank kept interest rates at record lows.
欧洲央行把利率维持在创纪录低位,与此同时,欧洲央行(ECB)行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)警告称,欧元区的复苏进程可能在放缓。
Meeting in Vienna, the ECB played down hopes that growth in the single currency was gaining momentum and left inflation and growth forecasts largely unchanged despite a strong start to the year.
The bank’s governing council also held back from allowing Greek banks to resume access to cheap loans, frustrating Athens’ hopes that it would take such a step this month.
“The risks to the euro area growth outlook remain tilted to the downside, but the balance of risks has improved,” said Mr Draghi on Thursday, warning that second-quarter growth would “possibly [be] at a lower rate than in the first quarter”.
The region grew 0.5 per cent between the fourth quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of this year, outpacing the US and the UK and fuelling expectations that the single currency area’s sluggish recovery had reached a turning point.
But while the ECB edged up its projections for growth and inflation this year to take account of higher oil prices and the strong start to the year, its economists’ forecasts for both variables for 2017 and 2018 were left virtually unchanged — in contrast with more bullish sentiment in the markets.
Mr Draghi added that the bank now expected 1.6 per cent growth this year, compared with its March estimate of 1.4 per cent growth.
Mr Draghi’s tone, and his staff’s economic forecasts, suggest the ECB remains unconvinced that the eurozone’s recovery has switched to a higher gear.