Apple Inc opposed a court ruling on Tuesday that ordered it to help the FBI break into an iPhone recovered from a San Bernardino shooter, heightening a dispute between tech companies and law enforcement over the limits of encryption.
A public letter, signed by Apple CEO Tim Cook and published Tuesday, warns that complying with the order would entail building "a backdoor to the iPhone". Such a move would threaten the security of Apple's customers, it said.
Earlier on Tuesday, Judge Sheri Pym of U.S. District Court in Los Angeles said that Apple must provide "reasonable technical assistance" to investigators seeking to unlock the data on an iPhone 5C that had been owned by Syed Rizwan Farook.
在周二的早些时候,洛杉矶地区法院法官雪莉·皮姆做出裁决,要求苹果公司必须向解锁赛义德·里兹万·法鲁克iPhone 5C手机数据的调查人员提供“合理的技术援助”。

That assistance includes disabling the phone's auto-erase function, which activates after 10 consecutive unsuccessful passcode attempts, and helping investigators to submit passcode guesses electronically.
Syed Farook and his wife killed 14 people in the December shooting before both were killed by police. Investigators had obtained permission to retrieve data from the phone but had been unable to search the device as it had been locked with a user-generated numeric passcode.
The FBI has been investigating the couple's potential communications with Islamic State and other militant groups. "Apple has the exclusive technical means which would assist the government in completing its search, but has declined to provide that assistance voluntarily," prosecutors said. U.S. government officials have warned that the expanded use of strong encryption is hindering national security and criminal investigations.
In a letter to customers posted on Apple's website, Cook said the FBI wanted the company "to build a backdoor to the iPhone" by making a new version of the iPhone operating system that would circumvent several security features.