Once we have comprehended the substance of the Prometheus myth—the imperative necessity of hubris for the titanic individual,
we must realize the non-Apollinian character of this pessimistic idea.
It is Apollo who tranquilizes the individual by drawing boundary lines, and who, by enjoining again and again the practice of self-knowledge, reminds him of the holy, universal norms.
But lest the Apollinian tendency freeze all form into Egyptian rigidity, and in attempting to prescribe its orbit to each particular wave inhibit the movement of the lake, the Dionysian flood tide periodically destroys all the little circles in which the Apollinian will would confine Hellenism.
The swiftly rising Dionysian tide then shoulders all the small individual wave crests, even as Prometheus' brother, the Titan Atlas, shouldered the world.
This titanic urge to be the Atlas of all individuals, to bear them on broad shoulders ever farther and higher, is the common bond between the Promethean and the Dionysian forces.
In this respect the Aeschylean Prometheus appears as a Dionysian mask, while in his deep hunger for justice Aeschylus reveals his paternal descent from Apollo, god of individuation and just boundaries.
We may express the Janus face, at once Dionysian and Apollinian, of the Aeschylean Prometheus in the following formula:
"All that exists is just and unjust and equally justified in both."
That is your world! A world indeed!