Once again, we may see the artist's buoyancy and creative joy as a luminous cloud shape reflected upon the dark surface of a lake of sorrow.
The legend of Prometheus is indigenous to the entire community of Aryan races and attests to their prevailing talent for profound and tragic vision.
In fact, it is not improbable that this myth has the same characteristic importance for the Aryan mind as the myth of the Fall has for the Semitic,
and that the two myths are related as brother and sister.
The presupposition of the Prometheus myth is primitive man's belief in the supreme value of fire as the true palladium of every rising civilization.
But for man to dispose of fire freely, and not receive it as a gift from heaven in the kindling thunderbolt and the warming sunlight,
seemed a crime to thoughtful primitive man, a despoiling of divine nature.
Thus this original philosophical problem poses at once an insoluble conflict between men and the gods,
which lies like a huge boulder at the gateway to every culture.