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双语财经新闻 第73期:Facebook 前隐私官克莉丝·凯利的采访

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Last Wednesday, the same day that Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and C.E.O. of Facebook, announced that the company would revoke its controversial new antiprivacy privacy settings, Chris Kelly, the companys former chief privacy officer, was in Los Angeles, killing an hour in a hotel lobby. Kelly, who has the stolid aspect, graying temples, and sober fashion sense of a Midwestern banker, is thirty-nine. When he was hired by Facebook, in 2005, he was the second-oldest person at the company; the next-oldest was twenty-eight.

上周三,当Facebook的创始人兼首席执行官马克?扎克伯格宣布公司将撤销颇 具争议的反隐私设置时,公司的前隐私官克莉丝·凯利却在洛杉矶的一家酒店大堂花费一个小时的时光来接受我的采访。凯利今年三十九岁。平日里,他表情严肃,神情冷漠,两鬓还有些花白,俨然一副美国中西部银行家的派头。当2005年受雇于 Facebook时,凯利的年纪在公司是第二大的,而年龄位居第三的职员才28岁。
He resignedin March, and is now running, as a Democrat, for attorney general of California. Kelly has never held elective office before, but at Facebook he was, in a sense, thetop copof a large and unruly community. There are versions of every serious crime you can imagine attempted on a network like Facebook, she said. “Any network of five hundred million humans will have a number of them trying to do bad things to each other at any given time.”
凯利于今年3月辞职,如今他正以民主党人的身份参选加州司法部长。而在此 前,他从未担任过竞选公职。但是,从某种意义上来说,过去在Facebook担任隐私官时,凯利就可以称得上是这个庞大且难以驾驭的网络社区的最高监管人了。他说: “就拿Facebook^说吧,网络上各种形式的犯罪活动,你能想到多少就有多少。任何 一家社区,一旦拥有了5亿用户,那随时会有很多人想着干坏事。”
Kelly started at Facebook after his friend Sean Parker, one of the founders of Napster, introduced him to Zuckerberg; at the time, there were twenty-five employees and two and a half million users, all of whom, by Facebook law, had an e-mail address ending in edu. During Kellys tenure, the site expanded rapidly, and the question of what constituted private information and what was public grew contentious.
凯利在Facebook的职业生涯是经朋友肖恩帕克(纳普斯特的创始人)介绍给马克·扎克伯格后开始的。那时公司有25个职员,50万名用户,按照Facebook的规定,所有用户地址都是以edu.结尾。凯利任职时,Fackbook发展迅速,而对于 究竟什么样的信息算是隐私,而什么信息又是公开的问题却引发了越来越多的争
First, there was Beacon, an advertising program that posted updates on userspages whenever they ordered movie tickets on Fandango or, as in the case of a Massachusetts man, bought a diamond ring. “Who is this ring for?” the mans wife wrote him in an instant message when she saw it in his news feed. “What ring?” he replied. The program prompted a class-action lawsuitand Facebook discontinued it in 2009. Then, last summer, Facebook revised the privacy settings to introduce new controls over the dissemination of information, some of which resulted in even more user data becoming visible on the Internet.
例如,无论用户是否在Fandango上订购电影票,都会有一个名为Beacon的广告程序将用户的行为公之于众。就拿一个马萨诸塞州人事来说吧。这个人买了一个钻戒,当他的妻子在他的更新信息中看到这条消息时,便发了一条即时信息询问他的 丈夫,而丈夫却回答说:“什么戒指?我从来没买过” 。该程序随即引发了用户的集体诉讼。2009年,Facebook中止了该程序。随后,去年夏天,Facebook修改了隐私设置, 并引入了新的信息传播控制方式,但其中一些控制方式却将更多的用户信息散播 到互联网上。
Kelly himself is circumspect. On the ballot, he will be described as anattorney/businessman. Regarding the fortune he amassed working for Facebook, he said, omitting even the personal pronoun, “Gonna be very comfortable, but obviously dont talk about specifics. “He did, however, say, “Weve sunk about $9.6 million into this race already, my wife and I.” That expenditure, and his Silicon Valley background, can be an invitation to unwelcome comparisons. “lm different from the other tech executives in the race,” he said. “Unlike Meg Whitman or Carly Fiorina, I vote. My opponent who keeps trying to call me Mini-Megwthat would be Kamala Harris, the district attorney of San Francisco — “her book was actually ghostwritten by Meg Whitmans ghostwriter.”(Both books credita co-author, Joan OC. Hamiltonon their covers.)
凯利本来就是一个非常谨慎的人。在竞选时,他说自己既是一名律师,也是一 名商人。在回答有关他在Facebook工作期间所积累的财富时,他说待遇非常丰厚,但具体多少是不该谈的”。但是,他也说道我和我妻子在这场竞选中已经投入了大概1960万美元。”这笔开销,加上他在硅谷的背景,可能会輙令人不快的对比。“我和其它技术主管不同”,他说,“我想我和梅格?惠特曼还有卡莉?菲奥莉纳不同 的地方在于,我会去投票。我的对手一直都叫我小梅格。可事实上,她的书却是由梅 格的代写人代写的。”原来,这两人书的封面上都写着一个名叫琼·汉密尔顿的人。 而凯利提到的这个对手就是旧金山地方检察官卡玛拉·哈里斯。
On his personal Facebook page, Kelly maintains a strict policy of what he might callidentityand authenticity-based experience.” He said, “My rule is that I do have to personally know someone in order for them to be my friend. Most of my content is friends and friends-of-friends only.
在他的Facebook个人网页上,凯利严格执行着所谓的身份和真实性。“我的准 则是,我必须亲自确定某人是否是我的好友。”他说我的目录里面只有‘好友’以及‘好友的好友,”。
He had, at last check, 2,521 friends. Some of Kellys friends include Roger McNamee, of the private-equity firm Elevation Partners, which last year reportedly bought one per cent of Facebook, for ninety million dollars; Reid Hoffman, a founder of Linkedln; and Marc Andreessen, who invented the browser. “I know quite a bit of the crew,” Kelly said. He went over to his laptop, which sat open on a nearby table, and pulled up his Facebook page.
据最新统计,凯利共有2521个好友,包括私人股权公司Elevation Partners的罗杰·麦克奈米(据报道,此人去年花9000万美元购买了Facebookl0%的股份)。 Iinkedln创始人雷德·霍夫曼以及浏览器开发者马克·安德森。“我对这些人非常了解。”说着,他来到放在附近桌上的手提电脑旁,打开他的Facebook网页。
There was a picture of him, in a parkaholding his twenty-month-old son, Aidan. Then he clicked onto his campaign page, where he has 18,736 fans. (According to the most recent privacy controls, those wholikethe page will no longer have that information automatically displayed for everyone to see.) Kelly scrolled through some of his fans. “Theres Mark! ” he said, lighting on a picture of his old boss.
上面有一张他的照片,穿着风雪大衣,抱着他二十个月大的儿子艾丹。之后他点击自己的竞选网页,上面有他的18736个粉丝。(根据最近的隐私控制方式,那些 “喜欢”该网页的人再也不能将信息自动展示给别人了)。凯利用鼠标滚动工具栏, 浏览其中一些粉丝。“瞧,这还有马克呢!”凯利说道。原来,他在这些粉丝中发现了 自己在Facebook时的老板马克·扎克伯格。
Speaking of friends, a few years ago Kelly arranged for a meeting between Mark Zuckerberg and Mayor Michael Bloomberg, because, he said, “We wanted him to have friends in politics.” As the three of them sat together in the bullpen at City Hall, Zuckerberg asked the Mayor why he went from running businesses to serving in public office. “Mayor Bloomberg said something that has stuck with me through this race,” Kelly said. “He said, Politics is traditionally about the evasion of responsibility. I wanted to change that. I couldnt think of a better way to encapsulate what Im trying to do here.”
说到他的好友,凯利几年前曾安排扎克伯格和市长迈克尔·布隆伯格会面。他 说,“我想让他俩成为政治上的好友。”当他们三人一起坐在市政厅休息室时,扎克伯格问市长,为何从商人转做公职人员。“市长当时对我们说,他竞选市长时,总有 一些事情困扰着他,因为从事政治一直是逃避责任的一种方式。他想改变这一点。 而我找不到更好的方法来讲述我现在试图去做的事情。”凯利这样说道。
Kelly packed up his computer: it was time to go. He was on his way to a fund -raiser at the home of his old friends Marvin and Keri Putnamhes a prominent First Amendment litigator, and shes the new executive director of the Sundance Institute. The event was just for friends and friends-of-friends. “Its a privacy setting,”Kelly said.
采访结束后,凯利收起他的电脑。他要去老朋友马文和凯瑞·帕特南的家里会见一名竞选捐款人。他的朋友马文是一位杰出的律师,主攻宪法第一修正案,而凯瑞·帕特南则是圣丹斯协会新任的执行理事。这次的会面只在好友和好友的好友之 间进行。‘‘这就是隐私设置’”凯利不无风趣地说道。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
elevation [.eli'veiʃən]


n. 提拔,海拔,提高
[计算机] 标高

revoke [ri'vəuk]


vt. 撤回 vi. 藏牌 n. 藏牌

stolid ['stɔlid]


adj. 迟钝的,神经麻木的

expenditure [iks'penditʃə]


n. (时间、劳力、金钱等)支出,使用,消耗

opponent [ə'pəunənt]


n. 对手,敌手,反对者
adj. 敌对的,反

contentious [kən'tenʃəs]


adj. 好辩的,好争吵的,有争议的

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

identity [ai'dentiti]


n. 身份,一致,特征

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运





