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双语财经新闻 第71期:最具影响力的商界女性(2)

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6. Oprah Winfrey

Chairman of Harpo
Credited with creating a more intimate confessional form of media communication, she is thought to have popularized and revolutionized the tabloid talk show genre4, which a Yale study claims broke 20th century taboos and allowed LGBT people to enter the mainstream. By the mid 1990s she had reinvented her show with a focus on literature, self-improvement, and spirituality. Though criticized for unleashing confession culture and promoting controversial self-help fads, she is generally admired for overcoming adversity to become a benefactor to others. She has been ranked the richest African American, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was once the worlds only black billionaire. Shes still got the magic touch: When Oprah praised the Kindle, it sold out before Christmas. Shes on track to launch OWN, her cable network, to 70 million viewers next year.
相信她已创造出了一种更加亲密而直白的媒体传播方式,她改造了低俗的脱口秀节目,并使其更加流行。耶鲁大学的一项研究称,这打破了20世纪的禁忌,让同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者进人了主流社会。到上个世纪90^代中期,她改造节目风 格,把焦点放在文学、自我提升和精神等话题上。虽然有人批评她导致忏悔之风盛 行,助长了有争议的自救热,但她还是因自强不息、积极战胜困境、帮助他人而受到 普遍的尊敬。她是美国最富有的非洲裔女性、美国历史上最慷慨的黑人慈善家,还 曾经是世界上唯一一名黑皮肤的亿万富翁。她现在仍有不可思议的影响力:Kindle 受到奥普拉的称赞后,其书在圣诞节前就售罄一空。她正在筹建自己的有线电视网 络OWN,明年向7000万观众推出。
7.Ellen Kullman
CEO of DuPont
Kullman studied mechanical engineering at Tufts University where she received her bachelors degree in 1978. In 1983 she received a masters degree ?in management from Northwestern University. She began her business career at General Electric and joined DuPont in 1988 as marketing manager in the companys medical imaging business. In her previous role as executive vice president she was responsible for four of DuPonts business platforms as well as leading the companys growth in markets outside the USA. Kullman took the top job in January, making her the first woman to lead the company in its 206 year history. Shes reshuffling execs and aiming to trim $1 billion in costs this year.
柯爱伦是在塔夫茨大学学习的机械工程,并于1978年在那儿获得了学士学位。1983年,她又取得了西北大学管理学硕士学位。她的砸生miHii用电气开始,并于1988年加入杜邦,担任公司医疗成像部门市场经理。在担任杜邦执行副总裁期间,她 不仅要负责四个部门日常运营,更带领公司在美国以外的市场实现了增长。柯爱伦 在1月接任首席执行官职务,这使得她成为杜邦206年历史当中首位出任该职位的女 性。目前,她正对管理层进行重组,借此达成今年削减1邮美元开支的目标。
8. Carol Bartz
CEO of Yahoo
In 1976, Bartz went to work at the manufacturing conglomerate5 3M, but left after her request to transfer to the headquarters was denied; she was told thatwomen dont do these jobs.” Bartz moved on to the computer industry and became CEO of Autodesk in 1992. According to Forbes, Bartztransformed Autodesk from an aimless maker of PC software into a leader of computer-aided design software, targeting architects and builders.” On January 13, 2009, Bartz was named CEO of Yahoo! , the internet services company which operates the third most-visited website in the world. She is betting on display ads, content, and mobile capabilities to give the web pioneer new life. After six months on the job, she forged a deal for Microsoft to power searches on
1976年,巴茨在制造集团3M工作,但在调到总部工作的申请遭到拒绝后愤然 离职。她被告之这不是女人该干的活。”巴茨转行到电脑业,并于1992年成为Autodesk的首席执行官。《福布斯》杂志这样写道:巴茨“将Autodesk从一个漫无目的 的电脑软件制造商转变成为电脑辅助设计软件的领头羊,将目标放到建筑师和建 造商身上。”2009年1月13日,巴茨被任命为雅虎的首席执行官,这家互联网公司操 作着世界第三大网站。她把工作的重点放在展示广告、内容和更新效率上,希望借 此能给这个网络先驱带来新生。上任六个月后,她同微软公司达成了一项协议,微 软将助推Yahoo.com的搜索业务。
9. Ursula Burns
CEO of Xerox
Burns first worked for Xerox in 1980 as a summer intern and joined a year later after her masters degree. She worked in various roles in product development and planning throughout her 20s. Her career took an unexpected turn when in January 1990 a senior executive offered hera job as his executive assistant. Initially fearing that this would be a dead-end job, she accepted and rose through the ranks, becoming executive assistant to the chairman in 1991 and eventually becoming vice president for global manufacturing in 1999. In 2000 she was named a senior vice president. She was named CEO in July 2009 succeeding Mulcahy. In July, Burns became the first black female CEO on the Fortune 500. With 2008 profits down and the stock trailing the S&P, this straight-talking operator is charged with strengthening a company thats still rebounding from near bankruptcy in 2001.
伯恩斯于1980年以一名暑期实习生的身份开始在Xerox工作,待一年后拿到硕 士学位后便正式加盟该公司。在30岁之前她在产品开发和策划部门担任过多项不 同的职务。1990年1月,一位高管让她担任其行政助理后,她的事业竟发生了意想不 到的变化。她起初担心这分工作没有什么出路,但她还是接受了。事实是,她逐渐升 职,于1991年成为董事长行政助理,并最终在1999年成为负责全球制造业务的副总 裁。2000年,她被任命为高级副总裁。2009年7月,她接替穆卡西’出任公司的首席执 行官。同年7月,伯恩斯也成为《财富》500强中首位黑人女首席执行官。2008年公司 利润下降,股票表现也不如标普指数,这位说话直来直去的的掌舵人肩负着增强公 司实力的重担,自2001年几乎破产以来,公司仍处在恢复阶段。
10. Brenda Barnes
Chairman and CEO of Sara Lee
Sara Lee的董事长兼首席执行官
Barnes became chief executive earlier this year after Sara Lee announced a major restructuring that included the planned sale of product lines totaling $8.2 billion in revenue. At the same time, Barnes is tackling corporate inefficiencies by encouraging shared purchasing between divisions and less bureaucracy6. Barnes raised eyebrows when she left PepsiCo in 1998 to spend more time with her family. Ever since Barnes got back on theon-rampinto the corporate world, she has been the most oft-cited example in the business press of a woman who ditched her corporate career to spend time with her family, only to regain corporate power.
今年年初,在莎莉·李宣布公司将进行大规模重组,同时计划将收人82亿美元 的生产线出售之后,巴恩斯出任首席执行官。于此同时,巴恩斯鼓励多个部门进行 联合采购,精简机构,解决了工作效率低的问题。1998年,为了有更多时间跟家人在 一起,巴恩斯离开了百事可乐,这令人们惊讶不已。巴恩斯重回职场后,一直都是财 经媒体津津乐道的模范女性:为了陪家人而放弃工作,而后又重掌公司大权。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
communication [kə.mju:ni'keiʃn]


n. 沟通,交流,通讯,传达,通信

kindle ['kindl]


v. 燃烧,使 ... 著火,引起,激发

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

benefactor ['beni.fæktə]


n. 恩人,捐助者,赠送者

philanthropist [fi'lænθrəpist]


n. 慈善家,博爱的人,博爱主义者

trim [trim]


n. 整齐,装饰,修剪下来的部分
adj. 整

transfer [træns'fə:]


n. 迁移,移动,换车
v. 转移,调转,调任

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令





