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It's a known truth that everyone simply adores cute animals. Even the coldest of hearts can be melted by playful little puppies, and a flock of ducklings waddling along is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face. But just like every other species, these cuddly little critters certainly have their vices. Each of these lovable animals enjoys a rather different kind of diet—all of them regularly practice cannibalism. Cannibalism happens when one member of a species willingly eats other members of the same species, and in many of these cases, it involves the violent murder of friends or family. Even so, the fact that these animals are homicidal maniacs doesn't change the fact that they look adorable.


10.Prairie Dogs



If all of your sisters have kids with your husband, it's okay to eat the kids, right? Out on the American plains, prairie dogs certainly seem to think so. These adorable burrowing creatures may not be so friendly after all, despite their reputation as our classic furry friends. One seven-year study published in the 1980s showed that acts of cannibalism in colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs caused the deaths of some offspring in 51 percent of all litters.

A typical coterie—the name for a family of prairie dogs—is made up of one male, several females, and all the juvenile offspring of the group. Interestingly enough, the cannibalism most often occurs when lactating females in the coterie eat the young of the other females. This means that many end up eating their own nieces and nephews. Some suggest that these violent acts might be efforts to control population density in the colony, but it may be that the nursing mothers are simply desperate for something to eat. The prairie dogs' actions become even more twisted, however, weeks after the killing spree—many females attempt to nurse the very same prairie dog pups that they had tried to eat not long before. Thus, the mass murders of the spring are soon forgotten, and the prairie dogs go back to their simple lives as cute, furry herbivores.

9.Hermit Crabs



Life can be pretty boring for a hermit crab, but when something special happens, like the brutal death of another crab, it's cause for celebration! Hermit crabs certainly seem to be harmless, with their small size and shy nature. When it comes down to survival instincts, though, the crustaceans can be downright savage. When hermit crabs go through a molting stage, they lose their exoskeletons that give them protection. They quickly become prey to other crabs in the area and are often attacked and eaten for food. Extremely aggressive crabs won't even wait for this stage; instead, they will try to rip off a fellow crab's shell and take it for themselves.

Perhaps what truly underlies all this violent behavior, though, is the zealous attitude that the crabs take on. Recent studies have shown that when hermit crabs sense the smell of dead crabs, they immediately become excited and start to hunt for food. Often, the most readily available food is the next hermit crab.




Growing up is a time of great change and opportunity in a tadpole's life. Every day, these amphibious babies meet someone new who might try to puncture their lungs and eat them. In the pond, eating your own kind alive isn't really a problem for the tadpoles. Studies have shown that tadpoles will eat each other if no better food options are available. Even if there is better food around, though, tadpoles still have to be on the watch when they're in densely packed groups. In these conditions, one or more tadpoles may attack another in a deadly competition—each one is fighting for a chance to reach adulthood, and knocking out other competitors increases their odds of survival.

Sometimes, these tadpoles' frog fathers will even deliver them to an area where they are more likely to be eaten by others, a parenting method that would make any human cringe. The fathers drop their children off in ponds where several larger tadpoles also live, possibly because the living conditions of the pond must be good if others are thriving in there. However, this usually only serves to increase the newborn tadpoles' chance of death, as they are often eaten by the other inhabitants. Childhood and adolescence are rough times for everyone, but at least most species don't have to worry about being eaten alive by their friends.




In a hedgehog's world, there is a surefire method that can help to deal with fear: keep calm and devour your newborn babies. These endearing, spiky animals are commonly kept as pets, but many owners don't realize that hedgehogs often turn cannibal when breeding time comes around. These timid creatures get scared very easily, especially right after a mother has given birth. First of all, the presence of another male hedgehog right after breeding creates tension among the hedgehog family. Second, when kept in captivity, nearly any disturbance can be extremely frightening for a hedgehog, causing them to become stressed out. Finally, a cramped or small living area can lead to aggressive behavior.

All of these factors often cause one or both hedgehog parents to take drastic measures. If either parent has the slightest inkling of fear, it will not hesitate to abandon or even eat its own newborn babies. In some ways, the hedgehogs just use their children as comfort food in times of distress.




It's impossible not to love these cuddly birds, and no one can resist watching a flock of ducklings waddling around. Many don't realize, however, that ducks aren't opposed to cannibalism, even at a young age. Ducklings that are only four weeks old can develop the practice of eating other ducklings.

What's even more surprising is the motivation behind this cruelty. Cannibalism may simply be spurred on by boredom. Of course, other factors such as crowding, poor ventilation, and a lack of nutrients can contribute to a duckling's urge to eat other ducklings. These poultry are prone to pecking and tearing at each other before eating parts of other ducklings. They also like to imitate each other, so acts of aggression and cannibalism spread quickly throughout a flock. As more and more ducklings join in the fun, a flock can easily tally up high death toll.

翻译:murphy 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
colony ['kɔləni]


n. 殖民地,侨民,侨居地,聚居(地), 群体,菌落

playful ['pleifəl]


adj. 爱玩耍的,幽默的

distress [dis'tres]


n. 痛苦,苦恼,不幸
vt. 使痛苦,使苦恼

frightening ['fraitniŋ]


adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的

willingly ['wiliŋli]


adv. 乐意地,心甘情愿地

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

cruelty ['kru:əlti]


n. 残酷,残忍,残酷的行为,虐待

density ['densiti]


n. 密集,密度,透明度

tadpole ['tædpəul]


n. 蝌蚪


关键字: 双语阅读 动物世界




