Beginning in the 1790s, when Edward Jenner developed the world's first vaccine against smallpox using a less virulent strain called cowpox to inoculate patients, vaccines have saved countless millions of lives. Since then, several different types of vaccines have been developed.
Attenuated or "live" vaccines use live viruses that have been weakened or altered so that they do not cause illness, while inactivated or "killed" vaccines contain dead microorganisms or toxins that are usually used against bacterial infections. Some vaccines—including subunit and conjugate vaccines, as well as recombinant and genetically engineered vaccines—only use a segment of the infectious agent. When a vaccine is injected, the pathogen goes to work, but there is not enough of it to replicate at the rate it needs to in order to take hold. The body mounts an immune response, killing the pathogen or breaking down the toxin responsible for disease. The body's immune system now knows how to fight the disease and will "remember" if it comes across it again. In other words, scientists have figured out how to get a pathogen to help its own target defend itself against it. They have even taken the first steps toward developing vaccines for several forms of cancer, with three vaccines approved by the FDA for the hepatitis B virus (which causes liver cancer), human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 (which cause cervical cancers), and metastatic prostate cancer in some men.Thanks to vaccines, several diseases have been driven to virtual extinction. Smallpox is the most famous example, but polio, though not totally eradicated, comes in at a close second. Several other diseases might be gone by now if vaccines weren't so hard to come by in the underdeveloped nations that still struggle with them. Things are getting worse instead of better, with diseases coming in from an unexpected source: affluent, educated Westerners who should know better.Unfortunately, the anti-vaccination movement is making a comeback in regions where these diseases were once under control. Before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963, approximately 500,000 people per year were infected in the US, 500 of whom—mostly children—ended up dead. By 1983, there were only 1,497 cases reported, and after a brief resurgence in the '80s and '90s, reported cases were down to just 37 in 2004. After the anti-vaccination movement began gaining traction, 118 cases were reported in the US alone in 2011. That number keeps growing, fed by travelers coming in from areas with higher rates and finding less resistance. Whooping cough, once thought to be gone forever in the US, is also on the rise.
4.Bacterial Waste Breakdown
Some of the smallest and simplest of creatures on Earth play some of the most important roles in safeguarding all of life. Bacteria have perhaps the most important role of all: breaking down and recycling waste.
The dead remains of animals and plants, along with the excrement of all organisms, contain vital nutrients and stored energy. Without a way to reclaim these nutrients, though, the available sources would be quickly depleted. Luckily, many bacterial species feed upon these energy sources, breaking them down to their smallest molecules and returning them to the soil, where they reenter the food chain.As helpful as this process already is, humans have found many ways to exploit it for a variety of even more advantages. Bacteria are used in sewage treatment, industrial waste management, and the clean-up of oil spills, leaked pharmaceuticals, and wastewater. They have also been useful in the development of aqua-farming, algae control, and waterless toilets. Researchers and engineers are currently looking into their potential use in the production of environmentally friendly bioplastics, glues, and building materials. They may even be used to break down plastic waste.
3.We Would Quickly Die Without Our Gut Bacteria
Poorly understood until recently (and there is still quite a bit of research to be done), the natural bacteria that lives in our guts works with our immune system to drive out pathogens, produce vitamin K, stimulate peristalsis, and perhaps most importantly, digest our food. Without our gut bacteria, we wouldn't be able to perform any of these functions, and we would quickly die.
The more we learn about beneficial strains of gut bacteria, the more we can incorporate that knowledge into healthy living. After it was determined that certain gut bacteria can play a role in obesity, probiotics became all the rage. Probiotics are the bacteria that reside in fermented foods and are now sold as supplements. Bacteria like some species of bifidobacteria, found in most yogurts, can create a highly acidic environment in which less-beneficial microorganisms cannot survive. Fatty foods and stress can also play a role in the health of our stomach flora, killing beneficial bacteria while favoring the more harmful kind that cause gas, bloating, and "leaky gut syndrome."In a huge breakthrough in the study of our gut bacteria and what they do, a team of Chinese and Danish researchers have recently developed a new way to identify these microorganisms using DNA sequence data. They identified over 500 species of benign bacteria and 800 new species of viruses that could live off them, providing hope for new ways to treat diseases associated with them, such as diabetes, obesity, and asthma.
2.Skin Bacteria Serve As Our First Line Of Immune System Defense
The moment you emerged from your mother's womb, you were set upon. They ambushed you in mere moments and colonized every inch of your skin, and they have been with you ever since. They are prokaryotes and other bacteria, and without the evolutionary partnership humans forged with them millions of years ago, you would have been dead soon after being born.
当我们的生命从母体受孕那一刻开始,就会遭受皮肤细菌的攻击。它们片刻之间便伏击了你,把你身体的每一寸肌肤变成它们的殖民地, 此后始终陪伴在你的左右。它们是原核生物和其他细菌,如果没有数百万年来,人类与它们之间产生的进化关系,你一出生便会夭折。
One of the most common skin bacteria is Staphlococcus epidermis, a bug that we now know plays a role in fighting off Leishmania major, the cause of a nasty disease called leishmaniasis that results in skin boils and open sores that don't heal. The good bug triggers an immune response called IL-1 that the body can't produce on its own, making Staphlococcus a necessary part of the human body, as vital to our existence as any organ.Prokaryotes, which also colonize the digestive tract, cover every exterior surface on the skin. Along with the rest of our beneficial skin microbiota, they became a part of us when they started competing against less-benevolent microorganisms for real estate. Along with the immune cells in our skin, they protect us against both pathogenic bacteria and opportunistic fungi that try to invade. This allows our bodies to spend less energy defending our exteriors and focus more on things like fighting viruses and precancerous cells.
最常见的一种皮肤细菌是表皮葡萄球菌, 它是一种现在众所周知的在对抗利什曼原虫上扮演了很重要角色的小虫,这种讨厌的疾病叫做利什曼病,它会导致皮肤疖和开放性溃疡。这种益虫会引发一种叫做IL-1的人类自身不能产生的免疫应答物质, 使得葡萄球菌成为如同对于人类生存同等重要的器官一般的人体至关重要的组成部分。原核生物在消化道开拓殖民地,覆盖每一寸皮肤外表面。连同剩下的一部份有益的皮肤菌群, 当它们开始与那些"不太友善"的微生物竞争领地时,它们成为了我们的一部分。连同我们皮肤的免疫细胞,它们保护我们免受病原菌和机遇性致病真菌的入侵。这使得我们的身体花费更少的精力保护我们的外部,把更多精力放在诸如如何对抗病毒和癌前细胞等上。
1.Life As We Know It Wouldn't Be Here Without Cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, are possibly the oldest still-living species on Earth, with fossils dating back 3.5 billion years. They are unicellular bacteria that grow in colonies, and if it weren't for them, you wouldn't be here, and neither would nearly every other form of life.
Cyanobacteria were the world's first photosynthesizers. They used energy from the sun along with chemicals in primordial oceans and inert nitrogen in the atmosphere to make their food. As a waste product, they generated oxygen, a poison to virtually every other form of life at that time and the cause of early mass extinction events. Over a period of roughly 300 million years, all this oxygen generation helped form the atmosphere as we know it, during the Archaean and Proterozoic eras.That wasn't the only way this bacteria kick-started life as we know it. Sometime during the Proterozoic or early Cambrian era, they formed a symbiotic relationship with certain eukaryote cells, making food for the cell in return for a stable environment to call home. These were the first plants, as well as the origin of eukaryotic mitochondria, which is essential for animal life. This truly titanic event is now known as endosymbiosis.While several forms of cyanobacteria are toxic, a species named Spirulina was an important food source for the Aztecs and eaten regularly by many Asian nations. Today, it is often sold in powder or tablet form as a health food supplement.
蓝藻是世界上第一个光合作用系统,它们利用来自太阳的能源和原始的海洋的化学物质和大气中的惰性氮合成它们的食物。至于废料,它们将其生成氧气——对于当时几乎每一个其它的物种生命来说相当于毒药,也是最早期大规模物种灭绝事件的成因。大约3亿年前的一段时间内, 在太古代和元古代时期所有这些氧气制造有助于形成我们所知道的大气层。这不是我们所知道的这种细菌开启生活的唯一途径。在元古代和早寒武纪时期的某个时候,它们与某些真核生物细胞形成了一种共生关系,它们为细胞提供食物以换取一个称之为家的稳定环境。这些真核线粒体的鼻祖是最初的植物,这对于动物生命是至关重要的。然而有一些形式的蓝藻是有毒的,一个命名为阿兹特克螺旋藻的物种是阿兹特克人重要的食物来源,被许多亚洲国家的人经常食用。如今,它经常以粉末还有片剂的形式作为健康的食品保健品。