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THE HOLLOW LAND. By Jane Gardam. (Europa Editions, paper, $15.) Subtle linked stories about two boys’ friendship, first published in Britain in 1981, illuminate family and community ties.

《空虚之地》(The Hollow Land),简·加丹(Jane Gardam)著(Europa Editions出版社,平装,15美元)。小说由几个彼此间略有联系的故事组成,讲述两个男孩之间的友谊,1981年于英国首版,歌颂家庭与社区的纽带。

HONEYDEW: Stories. By Edith Pearlman. (Little, Brown, $25.) With simultaneous intimacy and distance, the tales in Pearlman’s majestic collection excel at capturing the complex and surprising turns in seemingly ordinary lives.

《蜜滴:短篇小说集》(Honeydew: Stories),伊迪斯·佩尔曼(Edith Pearlman)著(Little,Brown出版社,25美元)。既亲密又疏离,佩尔曼这部精彩的小说合集格外擅长捕捉看似平凡的生活中的复杂性与意外的转折。

HOW TO BE BOTH. By Ali Smith. (Pantheon, $25.95.) The two parts of Smith’s novel link a modern teenage girl and a 15th- Italian painter.

《如何二者皆是》(How To Be Both),艾丽·史密斯(Ali Smith)著(Pantheon出版社,25.95美元)。史密斯的小说中的两个部分把一个现代少女和一个15世纪意大利画家联系起来。

THE INCARNATIONS. By Susan Barker. (Touchstone, $26.) In Barker’s astonishing novel, a Beijing taxi driver learns of his previous lives as a bit player during 15 centuries of China’s past.

《前世今生》(The Incarnations),苏珊·贝克尔(Susan Barker)著(Touchstone出版社,26美元)。在贝克尔这本惊人的小说里,一个北京出租车司机意识到自己的前世是中国1500年历史上的一个小人物。

LEAVING BERLIN. By Joseph Kanon. (Atria, $27.) In Kanon’s thriller, a German-born American writer becomes a spy in East Berlin.

《离开柏林》(Leaving Berlin),约瑟夫·卡农(Joseph Kanon)著,(Atria出版社,27美元)。在卡农的这部惊悚小说里,一个出生在德国的美国作家在东柏林成了间谍。

A LITTLE LIFE. By Hanya Yanagihara. (Doubleday, $30.) In Yanagihara’s novel, four friends from college grapple with adulthood in New York.

《小人生》(A Little Life),柳原樱(Hanya Yanagihara)。(Doubleday出版社,30美元)。在柳原樱的这部小说里,四个大学时的朋友在纽约艰难地成长。

THE LOVE OBJECT: Selected Stories. By Edna O’Brien. (Little, Brown, $30.) An Ireland gripped between tradition and change finds illumination in O’Brien’s brilliant and memorable tales.

《爱的客体:短篇小说选》(The Love Object: Selected Stories),埃德纳·奥布莱恩(Edna O’Brien)著(Little, Brown出版社,30美元)。奥布莱恩精彩而令人难忘的小说描绘出一个与传统和变化做斗争的爱尔兰。

LOVING DAY. By Mat Johnson. (Spiegel & Grau, $26.) Johnson’s hero is tragic not because of the stresses of his liminal racial status but because he, like most everyone else in the novel, is haunted by ghosts of painful pasts.

《充满爱的日子》(Loving Day),马特·约翰逊(Mat Johnson)著(Spiegel & Grau出版社,26美元)。约翰逊的主人公是悲剧性的,但不是因为种族身份带来的压力,而是因为,和小说中的大部分人物一样,他也受到痛苦过去的困扰。

MAN AT THE HELM. By Nina Stibbe. (Little, Brown, $25.) Two sisters try to marry off their divorced mother in this jaunty British social satire.

《掌舵的男人》(Man At The Helm),妮娜·斯提布(Nina Stibbe)著(Little, Brwon出版社,25美元)。这是一本快活的英国社会讽刺小说,两姊妹努力让她们离婚的母亲结婚。

A MANUAL FOR CLEANING WOMEN: Stories. By Lucia Berlin. Edited by Stephen Emerson. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $26.) In these unadorned linked stories, Berlin examines women under duress and figures on America’s fringes.

《清洁女工手册:短篇小说选》(A Manual For Cleaning Women: Stories),露西亚·伯林(Lucia Berlin)著,史蒂芬·爱默生(Stephen Emerson)编辑(Farrar, Straus & Giroux出版社,26美元)。在这些以朴素的方式联系起来的短篇小说里,伯林审视了受到威胁的女人,以及美国的边缘人物。

THE MARE. By Mary Gaitskill. (Pantheon, $26.95.) A subtle depiction of a relationship between two families, their communities and a horse touches on tricky questions of class and race.

《牝马》(The Mare),玛丽·盖特斯基尔(Mary Gaitskill)著(Pantheon出版社,26.95美元)。它微妙地描述了两个家庭之间的微妙关系,他们的社区,以及一匹马引发的关于阶级和种族棘手问题。

THE MEURSAULT INVESTIGATION. By Kamel Daoud. Translated by John Cullen. (Other Press, paper, $14.95.) This rich and inventive Algerian novel imagines the of the Arab murdered on the beach in Camus’s “The Stranger.”

《默尔索干调查》(The Meursault Investigation),卡梅尔·多德(Kamel Daoud)著,约翰·卡伦(John Cullen)译(Other Press出版社,平装,14.95美元)。这本内容丰富、独出心裁的阿尔及利亚小说想像出加缪的小说《局外人》(The Stranger)里那个在海滩上被谋杀的阿拉伯人的故事。

MISLAID. By Nell Zink. (Ecco/HarperCollins, $26.99.) Zink’s screwball comic novel about the making and unmaking of an American family lays bare our assumptions about race and sexuality.

《错置》(Mislaid),奈尔·津克(Nell Zink)著(Ecco/HarperCollins出版社,26.99美元)。津克古怪的滑稽小说讲述一个美国家庭的形成和解体,暴露出我们对种族和性关系的假想。

MY STRUGGLE: Book 4. By Karl Ove Knausgaard. Translated by Don Bartlett. (Archipelago, $27.) This is the fleetest, funniest and — in keeping with its adolescent protagonist — most sophomoric of the volumes translated into English thus far.

《我的奋斗:第四册》(My Struggle: Book 4),卡尔·奥韦·诺斯加德(Karl Ove Knausgaard)著,堂·巴特莱特(Don Bartlett)译(Archipelago出版社,27美元)。这是这套书被译为英语的部分中最迅捷、最有趣的部分,也是青春期的主人公最成熟的时期。

NIGHT AT THE FIESTAS: Stories. By Kirstin Valdez Quade. (Norton, $25.95.) Quade is searching for truths both existential and sacred in her haunting and beautiful collection.

《节日夜晚:短篇小说集》(Night At The Fiestas: Stories),克斯汀·瓦尔德·奎德(Kirstin Valdez Quade)著(Norton出版社,25.95美元)。奎德在这部令人难忘而美丽的处女短篇小说集中,探索生死与神圣的真相。

OUTLINE. By Rachel Cusk. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $26.) Cusk’s heartbreaking portrait of poise, sympathy, regret and rage suggests a powerful alternate route for the biographical novel.

《轮廓》(Outline),蕾切尔·卡斯克(Rachel Cusk)著(Farrar, Straus & Giroux出版社,26美元)。卡斯克令人心碎地描写镇静、同情、遗憾与愤怒,为这本自传式小说揭示出另一条强有力的途径。

PREPARATION FOR THE NEXT LIFE. By Atticus Lish. (Tyrant, paper, $15.) Lish’s gorgeous, upsetting debut novel follows the doomed love affair of a traumatized soldier and a Muslim immigrant.

《为来世的准备》(Preparation For The Next Life),阿提卡斯·利什(Atticus Lish)著(Tyrant出版社,平装,15美元)。利什精彩而令人不安的处女小说讲述一段一个受创伤的士兵与一个穆斯林移民之间悲惨的恋爱故事。

PURITY. By Jonathan Franzen. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $28.) Connections emerge slowly as lies and secrets are revealed in this intricately plotted novel about the corruptions of money and power.

《纯洁》(Purity),约拿森·弗兰岑(Jonathan Franzen)著(Farrar, Straus & Giroux出版社,28美元)。这是一本情节精妙的小说,讲述金钱与权力的腐败,随着谎言与秘密被揭露,联系也浮现出来。

THE SELLOUT. By Paul Beatty. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $26.) Beatty’s satire breaks open the private jokes and secrets of blackness in a way that feels powerful and profane but not escapist.

《脱销》(The Sellout),保罗· 比蒂(Paul Beatty)著(Farrar,Straus & Giroux出版社,26美元)。比蒂的讽刺小说用一种强有力而亵渎神圣的风格讲述私人笑话与黑暗的秘密,但并不是逃避主义。

S O S: Poems 1961-2013. By Amiri Baraka. Selected by Paul Vangelisti. (Grove, $30.) A half-century of revolutionary work the firmness of Baraka’s beliefs and the heat of his fury.

《SOS: 1961-2013诗选》(S O S: Poems 1961-2013),艾米丽·巴拉卡(Amiri Baraka),保罗·凡格里斯蒂(Paul Vangelisti)选编(Grove出版社,30美元)。半个世纪革命性的作品,显示出巴拉卡的坚定信仰与他狂怒的热情。

THE STORY OF THE LOST CHILD. Book 4, The Neapolitan Novels: “Maturity, Old Age.” By Elena Ferrante. Translated by Ann Goldstein. (Europa Editions, paper, $18.) Friends confront age and the questions of life’s meaning in the stunning final book of this brilliant series.

《迷失孩子的故事,第四册,拿波里小说:成熟,旧时代》(The Story Of The Lost Child. Book 4, The Neapolitan Novels: “Maturity, Old Age.”),伊莉娜·弗伦特(Elena Ferrante)著,安·戈德斯坦(Ann Goldstein)译(Europa Editions出版社,平装,18美元)。在这个精彩系列震撼人心的最后一部书里,朋友们要面对年龄问题与生命的意义。

THE STORY OF MY TEETH. By Valeria Luiselli. Translated by Christina MacSweeney. (Coffee House Press, paper, $16.95.) This playful collaborative novel invites reader participation.

《我牙齿的故事》(The Story Of My Teeth),瓦莱里娅·卢塞利(Valeria Luiselli)著,克里斯蒂娜·麦克斯威尼(Christina MacSweeney)译(Coffee House Press出版社,平装,16.95美元)。这本有趣的合作式小说邀请读者参与。

SUBMISSION. By Michel Houellebecq. Translated by Lorin Stein. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $25.) In Houellebecq’s morally complex novel, an alienated French professor and a France without faith or values yield to an Islamic government.

《投降》(Submission)。米歇尔·维勒贝克(Michel Houellebecq)著,洛林·斯坦恩(Lorin Stein)译(farrar Straus & Giroux出版社,25美元)。在维勒贝克这本道德上很复杂的小说里,一个孤独的法国教授与一个没有信仰和价值观的法国倒向了伊斯兰政府。

THE SYMPATHIZER. By Viet Thanh Nguyen. (Grove, $26.) Nguyen’s tragicomic debut novel fills a void in Vietnam War literature, giving a voice to the Vietnamese and compelling the rest of us to look at the events of 40 years ago in a new light.

《同情者》(The Sympathizer),Viet Thanh Nguyen著,(Grove出版社,26美元)。这本悲喜交集的处女小说填补了越南战争文学中的空白,让越南人发出了声音,促使我们其他人以新的角度审视40年前的事件。

THIRTEEN WAYS OF LOOKING: Fiction. By Colum McCann. (Random House, $26.) A novella and three stories display McCann’s empathetic imagination and in the capabilities of literature.

《13种观看方法:小说》(Thirteen Ways Of Looking: Fiction),科伦姆·麦坎恩(Colum McCann)著(Random House出社,26美元)。含一部中篇小说与三部短篇小说,显示出麦坎恩充满共情的想像,以及对文学之可能性的信仰。

THE TRUTH AND OTHER LIES. By Sascha Arango. Translated by Imogen Taylor. (Atria, $24.99.) The writer in Arango’s cunningly plotted, darkly humorous novel is a fraud — and a murderer.

《真相与其他谎言》(The Truth And Other Lies),萨莎·阿兰戈(Sascha Arango)著,伊莫金·泰勒(Imogen Taylor)译。(Atria出版社,24.99美元)。阿兰戈构思狡黠、充满黑色幽默的小说中的作家其实是个骗子,而且是个谋杀犯。

THE TSAR OF LOVE AND TECHNO: Stories. By Anthony Marra. (Hogarth, $25.) Interconnected stories set in a Russian industrial city are seamlessly narrated, with flashes of dark humor.

《爱与科技舞曲的沙皇:短篇小说集》(The Tsar Of Love And Techno: Stories),安东尼马拉(Anthony Marra)著,(Hogarth出版社,25美元)。彼此关联的短篇小说发生在一个俄国工业城市,叙事天衣无缝,不时闪现黑色幽默。

THE TURNER HOUSE. By Angela Flournoy. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $23.) The African-American family story told in this engrossing, remarkably mature first is also a story of the city of Detroit.

《特纳之家》(The Turner House),安吉拉·弗洛诺伊(Angela Flournoy)著,(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt出版社,23美元)。这部小说引人入胜,以处女小说而言格外成熟,讲述一个非裔美国家庭的故事,同时也是底特律这座城市的故事。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
existential [.egzis'tenʃəl]


adj. 有关存在的,根据经验的

sacred ['seikrid]


adj. 神圣的,受尊重的

purity ['pjuəriti]


n. 纯净,纯正,纯粹

humorous ['hju:mərəs]


adj. 幽默的,诙谐的

fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

excel [ik'sel]


vt. 超过,优于
vi. 胜出

emerge [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来

hollow ['hɔləu]


n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,虚伪的,

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

route [ru:t]


n. 路线,(固定)线路,途径
vt. 为 .


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